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Caylee ThompsonOffline

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      Caylee Thompson

      1 week ago

      can someone help me with the last blanks in the heretsberg-russell collum.

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      • whats that?? do you mean hertzsprung- russell?

        • like one the 1st work sheet i had just got my paper’s I was writing in a note i didn’t take enough notes so now i filling out page 1 and i dont hva ethe lat couple banks filled out and im lost.

          • ejnar hertzsprung and henry NORRIS – RUSSEL made a graph to find out how the CHARACTERISTICS of stars– TEMEPERATURE and ABSOLUTE brightness are RELATED. Astronomers use the H-R diagram from a DIAGONAL line called the MAIN SEQUENCE . More than ! 90% ! of all stars, including the sun, are main-sequence stars. in the main sequence, SURFACE temperature INCREASES as brightness increases. you should probably watch the live lesson replay when it comes out if youre having trouble understanding!

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