Lesson 3: Comparing and Ordering Fractions

30 Minutes

Mrs. Ashlee Deduijtsche

For Full Name Please Put Your Student ID Only:


**This lesson has been updated to include additional videos on ordering fractions on a number line.**

Please begin this lesson by completing the warmup (WU3).
Next, you will watch the videos in the Nearpod lesson. There are 2 videos to watch.
Once you have completed the videos in Nearpod, you will complete the student handout (U4L3-Handout). The videos do not follow the handout but will go through examples on how to complete the problems on the handout.
If you want/or feel you need additional practice you can complete the extra practice (U4L3 EP).
For this lesson you only need to submit the student handout to be graded.

  • WU3
  • U4L3-Handout
  • U4L3-EP