Lesson 4: Percent Increase

30 Minutes

Mrs. Ashlee Deduijtsche


Percent Change Activity

In this activity you will be finding the percent of change from items with a price in the 1970s to items with a price in the 2010s.

You will pick 8 items, (some examples you can choose from include milk, gas, bread, cereal, McDonald's hamburger, cup of coffee, car, clothes, box of Kleenex, can of soup, toothpaste) and find what the price was in the 1970's and in the 2010's. It doesn't matter that you use a specific year, just that the price comes from each decade.
Once you have the prices for 8 items, you will need to determine the percent of change. Make sure to show your work. You will have to redo the assignment if you do not show your work.