Lesson 3: Area of Rectangles and Parallelograms Part 2

30 Minutes

Mrs. Ashlee Deduijtsche

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Please watch the Nearpod video about finding the area of rectangles and parallelograms.

The video does not walk through the handouts.

Use the formula to find the area of a rectangle or a parallelogram A = bh (where b is the base and h is the height).

Remember that area is the surface measurement of a 2D figure, and it is measured in square units.

The formula can be manipulated to solve for a missing measurement. To find the base of a figure use b = A/h
To find the height of a figure use h = A/b

The height of a parallelogram is the distance between its based and make a 90 degree with the base. This can be shown either inside or outside the figure.