Lesson 1: Volume of Rectangular Prisms (LIVE)

50 Minutes

Mrs. Ashlee Deduijtsche

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Please watch the Nearpod video about finding the volume of rectangular prisms.

The video does not walk through the handouts.

Use the formula to find the volume of rectangular prisms V = Bh (where B is the area of the base of the prism, to find the area of the Base of the prism you will need to determine the shape of the base and use the appropriate formula, for a rectangle you would use bh, base times height). Or you can use the formula V = lwh

Volume is determined by finding the area of the base, B, and multiplying it by the height, h, of the figure.

Volume is measured in units cubed or cubic units. And it is the amount of space a 3D figure occupies.

Remember that area is the surface measurement of a 2D figure, and it is measured in square units.

The formula can be manipulated to solve for a missing measurement. To find the base of a figure use b = A/h
To find the height of a figure use h = A/b

The height of a parallelogram is the distance between its based and make a 90 degree with the base. This can be shown either inside or outside the figure.