Lesson 3: Are Cookies Dangerous?

20 Minutes

Mrs. Ashlee Deduijtsche


This activity will help us look at some of the more ridiculous claims based on statistics.

Your task is to write one to two complete sentences explaining how the statistic given should not lead to the conclusion that cookies are bad for you. Do not just say "that's ridiculous"; use good conclusions in your justification.

You might say something like this for number 4 - Cookies should not be eliminated just because babies could choak on them. Babies can choak on just about anything because they are small and do not know any better and are curious about the world around them. If we were to eliminate based on whether or not a baby could choak on it there wouldn't be much in this world.

Your answer doesn't need to be as elaborate, but I do want you to think about the statement and provide a reasonable explanation.