Lesson 9: Percentiles and Ogives (LIVE)

45 Minutes

Mrs. Ashlee Deduijtsche


Ogive - pronounced o-jeeves.
Ogives are curves, that are obtained by plotting points on a graph.
Ogives are graphs that help identify how many data points lie below or above a specific value. To construct an Ogive, you need to first calculate the cumulative frequency.
There are 2 types of cumulative frequency. Cumulative Frequency of Less Than Type and Cumulative Frequency of More Than Type.

Please have the handouts printed, both the notes and practice. You do not need to have the PowerPoint teacher slides printed as we will go through those together in class. Make sure to also have lesson 10 handouts printed, we will be going over Stem plots and Dot plots as well. You can find the notes in this lesson as well as in Lesson 10.

If you did not attend the LIVE Lesson, please watch the replay and follow along with the notes. We will be discussing Percentiles and Ogives as well as Stem plots and Dot plots.


Please turn in the L4 Percentiles and Ogives worksheet.

The notes handout is for you to reference, and you do not need to turn that in.