Lesson 10: Stemplots and Dotplots

30 Minutes

Mrs. Ashlee Deduijtsche


If you did not attend the LIVE Lesson on Percentiles and Ogives (Lesson 9), you may want to watch the replay. We discuss stem and dot plots.

If you did attend the LIVE Lesson (Lesson 9) you probably already printed off the notes for this lesson. If not, you can find all the handouts for this lesson below.

Stem plots and Dot plots are types of graphs to display data. Both are useful to help visualize the data but serve different purposes and types of data.

Stem plots or Stem-and-Leaf Plots split each data value into a stem, first digit(s) and leaf, last digit. for example, the number 27 would have a stem of 2 and leaf of 7.

Dot plots represent data points along a number line and each dot represents one occurrence of a value.


Please turn in the L5 Practice Stemplots and Dotplots worksheet. worksheet.

The notes handout is for you to reference, and you do not need to turn that in.