Lesson 2: Donuts in a Box

30 Minutes

Mrs. Ashlee Deduijtsche


Students, please complete the warmup first. (U3L2.pdf)

Next open up the Google Slides or the PDF document of the slides (Lesson-2.pdf) You will follow along with the student math journal while going through the Google Slides.

Please submit the math journal of Donuts in a Box once you are complete.

Directions for the Math Journal Pages.
‘Donuts In A Box’ is a hands-on math activity to deepen you understanding of multiplication as equal groups. During this activity you will pretend to be staff members of the Supreme Donut Shop. Your job is to box up different donut orders with the goal of boxing the most donuts. You the spinners to generate numbers for the orders.
Activity Directions: The first spinner tells the number of boxes, and the second spinner tells the number of donuts in each box. You will record the orders on our order form. You will be both staff members. Once you have determined how many donuts are in each box you will cut out the donuts and glue them in the boxes.


Google Link