Lesson 8: and 9: Relate Multiplication and Division

30 Minutes

Mrs. Ashlee Deduijtsche


Students, complete the warmup first (U3L8 or U3L9 WU), you can pick which one to complete or you can do both, it is up to you.

Next open up the Google Slides or the PDF document of the slides (U3L8 Relate Mult Div Pt 1 PDF and U3L9 Relate Mult Div Pt 2 PDF) You will follow along with the student math journal (U3L8 Relate Mult Div Pt 1 MJ and U3L9 Relate Mult Div Pt 2 MJ) while going through the Google Slides.

Please complete the extra practice (U3L8 Relate Mult Div Pt 1 EP and U3L9 Relate Mult Div Pt 2 EP) and turn in once complete.

There is an anchor chart for you to reference (U3L9 AC), but do not need to do anything else with it.

**Students you will notice that there are 2 sets of Google Slides and are math journals and extra practices for each. You just need to pick one set to complete. If you want the additional practice you can complete both.**