
Displaying 1,201 - 1,250 of 3,293

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Social Studies9thUnit 2: Latin American NationsLesson 5: Travel Brochure (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will brainstorm for their travel brochure project.

ELA9th-10thUnit 1: Grammar RefresherLesson 5: Does Grammar Matter5

In this video from TED-Ed, students learn about the history of grammar and linguistics.

ELA10thUnit 1: General WritingLesson 5: Invention and Writing Process5

For this lesson, students will talk about invention, the first unofficial step of the writing process.

ELA11thUnit 1: General CommunicationLesson 5: FREE SPEECH5

The FREE SPEECH lessons will be a weekly lesson. Students have the freedom to talk about whatever they choose (emotions, events, sports, video games, relationships, etc.). This will help them become more comfortable in from of a camera and recording themselves.

ELA5th-6thUnit 2: Sentence StructureLesson 5: Practicing Reading Strategies5

In this lesson, students answer comprehension questions after reading the passage.

Math6th-7thUnit 1: Decimal OperationsLesson 5: Dividing a Decimal by a Decimal Part 1 (LIVE)5

In this lesson students will be able to divide decimals by decimals.

ELA7th-8thDelete: Sentence Types and StructureLesson 5: Spelling Practice5

In this lesson, students practice their spelling skills by determining the word that is spelled correctly.

ELA9th-10thUnit 2: Non-Fiction - Close ReadingLesson 5: Vocabulary Cartoons5

In this lesson, students learn a new word each week with memory techniques.

MathK-1stUnit 3: Place ValueLesson 5: Base Ten5

In this lesson, students will be able to make and take apart numbers 11-19 using tens and ones.

ELA7th-8thDelete: Reading ComprehensionKahoot5

This review of denotation and connotation requires students to use context clues to decide between words with positive, negative, and neutral connotations.

ELAK-1stUnit 6: Word FamiliesWord Family -it5

In this Kindergarten lesson about word families, students learn about the -it family, practicing with words like "bit" and "kit." They practice orally and in writing using Lalilo's playful interactives and Nearpod activities such as Draw It.

ELA9th-10thUnit 3: Informational TextsVocabulary Cartoons5

This is a short introduction for students to learn 5 new vocabulary words.

Math7th-8thUnit 2: Real Number SystemLesson 5: Classifying Real Numbers (LIVE)5

In this lesson students will be able to classify real and irrational numbers.

Social Studies10thUnit 4: World War IILesson 5: Turning Points of WWII (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will discuss the events of World War II that turned the favor to the other side and led to the end of the war.

Social Studies11thUnit 2: Constitutional Liberties and RightsLesson 5: Bill of Rights Interpretation (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will work on summarizing each of the amendments in the Bill of Rights.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 3: Reading ComprehensionLesson 5: Context Clues (LIVE)5

In this lesson, students will practice analyzing the meaning of a word or phrase using context clues. By the end of the lesson, they will be able to identify when the use of context clues would be helpful.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 2: Addition and SubtractionLesson 5: Addition Word Problems (LIVE)5

In this lesson students will solve various addition word problems using number lines, arrow addition and expanded form.

ScienceHigh SchoolUnit 2: Heat TransferLesson 5: Heat Transfer Review (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will play GimKit games to review heat transfer.

Social Studies12thUnit 3: Cognitive and Psychosocial DevelopmentLesson 5: Psychosexual Development (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will explore the 5 stages of Freud's psychosexual development.

Math6th-7thUnit 2: Fraction OperationsLesson 5: Patterns and Reciprocals (LIVE)5

In this lesson students will be able to identify the reciprocal of a fraction and recognize patterns.

ELA5th-6thUnit 3: Reading ComprehensionLesson 5: Check Your Understanding (LIVE)5

In this reading lesson, students analyze how to check for understanding by creating questions and then answering them.

ELA7th-8thDelete: Reading ComprehensionLesson 5: Making Inferences Using Text Evidence LIVE5

In this activity, students learn how to make inferences by reading between the lines.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 10: Magnetism and GravityLesson 5: Egg Drop Challenge (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will be introduced to the egg drop challenge.

Science10thUnit 3: Erosion and DepositionLesson 5: Water Breaks Down Rocks5

For this lesson, students will learn easy experiments they can do at home that shows how water breaks down rocks.

Math7th-8thUnit 6: Exponents and Scientific NotationLesson 5: Scientific Notation5

In this lesson students will be able to write numbers in scientific notation.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 4: Literary DevicesPICTURE PROMPTS: The Startled Dog5

Using a picture prompt, students will practice writing to express their ideas and thoughts in an imaginative way.

ELA5th-6thUnit 4: Literary ElementsSPELLING: Word Search5

In this spelling practice activity, students find correctly spelled words and write them in the space provided.

ELA7th-8thDelete: Literary DevicesPractice Proofreading5

In this activity, students will practice their proofreading skills by reading a short passage and correcting the errors.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 3: Multiplication and DivisionLesson 5: How Many in each Group (LIVE)5

In this lesson students will explore division as finding the number of objects in each group.

Social Studies9thUnit 3: European NationsLesson 5: Eastern Europe Consolidates5

For this lesson, students will learn about how Eastern Europe came together.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 4: Literary DevicesLesson 5: Personification (LIVE)5

In this lesson, students will learn about personification and hyperboles and how to use it in writing.

Math6th-7thUnit 3: The Number SystemLesson 5: Ordering Rational Numbers (LIVE)5

In this lesson students will be able to compare and order rational numbers by converting decimals, fractions and percents.

ELA5th-6thUnit 4: Literary ElementsLesson 5: Determining Theme(LIVE)5

In this reading lesson, students learn how to determine the theme of a story. They explore how to consider what the author wants readers to learn from the story as they discover the story's theme(s).

ELA7th-8thDelete: Literary DevicesLesson 5: Tone and Mood LIVE5

In this lesson, students will develop a working definition of both tone and mood as literary devices. Students will focus on differentiating between tone and mood and analyzing how a change in tone can affect mood.

Social Studies10thUnit 5: Cold WarLesson 5: The Cold War Recap5

For this lesson, students are going to watch a video to recap the events of the Cold War.

Social Studies10thUnit 6: Founding DocumentsLesson 4: The Constitution - Crash Course5

For this lesson, students will watch a recap video about the U.S. Constitution.

ELA9th-10thUnit 5: Making InferencesLesson 5: Making Inferences LIVE5

In this lesson, students will learn what an inference is and how it can be a useful tool when analyzing images and text to gather more information.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 4: Literary DevicesLesson 5: Hyperboles5

In this lesson, students will explain what a hyperbole is and what effect it has. The students will also practice writing their own hyperboles for winter.

Science4th-5thUnit 6: Producers and ConsumersLesson 5: GimKit Review (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will be participating in review games!

Science9thUnit 6: OrganismsLesson 5: Chordata Classes (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will learn more about one of the animal kingdom's phylum; the cordatas.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 5: Genres and SubgenresLesson 5: Fables and Fairy Tales(LIVE)5

In this lesson on fables and fairy tales, students will identify and retell the parts of a story.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 9: EconomicsLesson 5: Goods and Services5

For this lesson, students will review the difference between goods and services.

Social Studies11thUnit 3: Branches of GovernmentLesson 5: Branches Drawing5

For this lesson, students will draw their own map of how the branches are connected.

Math7th-8thUnit 4: Expressions and EquationsLesson 5: Distributing a Negative Number5

In this lesson students will use the Distributive Property and understanding of integers to simplify expressions with negative numbers.

MathK-1stUnit 2: Comparing NumbersLesson 5: Using Base Ten Blocks to Compare5

In this lesson, students will compare two numbers using base ten blocks.

ELA9th-10thUnit 6: Common Literary DevicesLesson 5: Determining the Theme LIVE5

In this activity, students will learn about theme in literature, theme examples, and determine what the theme of a text is.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 4: Multiplication Fact FluencyLesson 5: Explore Square Number Facts (LIVE)5

In this lesson students will explore square facts.

MathK-1stUnit 4: Addition and SubtractionLesson 5: Addition practice, sums 18 or less5

In this lesson, students will practice addition, 0-9. Sums are not greater than 18.

Social Studies12thUnit 4: ConditioningLesson 5: Operant Conditioning Scenarios5

For this lesson, students will apply their knowledge of operant conditioning on given scenarios.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 5: American RevolutionLesson 5: Causes of the American Revolution5

For this lesson, students will review events that lead to the American Revolution.

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description