
Displaying 2,751 - 2,800 of 3,293

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Science10thUnit 2: History of EarthLesson 14: History of Earth Review (LIVE)14

During this lesson, students will play review games.

ELA6th-7thUnit 2: Figurative LanguageLesson 14: Peer Mediator - Word Choice14

For this lesson, students will read a passage and identify how word choice affects the writing.

ELA7th-8thUnit 1: CommunicationLesson 14: Nonverbal Importance14

For this lesson, students will describe why nonverbal communication is important.

ELA9thUnit 2: Nonfiction ReadingLesson 14: Analyze Part V (LIVE)14

During this lesson, students will analyze Part V of Unbroken.

ELA7th-8thUnit 2: Novel StudiesLesson 14: Describe Cole14

For this lesson, students will fill an image with words to describe Cole.

Math12thUnit 1: One Variable DataLesson 14: Boxplots and Outliers14

In this lesson, students will be able to find the five-number summery and construct and interpret data in a boxplot.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 8: Reading Fluency IndependentThe Garden (810L)14

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency.

Social Studies10thUnit 2: Industrial Revolution and ImperialismLesson 14: Industrial Knowledge Check14

For this lesson, students will check their knowledge of the Industrial Revolution.

ELA9thUnit 4: Classic NovelsLesson 14: Gift for the Darkness (LIVE)14

During this lesson, students will reflect on chapters 8-10 of Lord of the Flies.

MathK-1stUnit 1: Numbers and CountingLesson 15: Counting by 10's Part 215

In this lesson, students will practice counting by 10s by completing a drag and drop activity.

Math9thUnit 2: Equations and InequalitiesLesson 15-Mistakes in Solving Equations15

In this video from Khan Academy, students learn to rectify the common mistakes while doing algebra.

Math10thUnit 1: Fundamentals and Tools of GeometryLesson 15-Geometry Vocabulary Part II (PRERECORDED)15

In this lesson, we will finish p.3-6 of the vocabulary.

Social Studies9thUnit 3: European NationsLesson 15: European Nation Reflection15

For this lesson, students will reflect on the different European nations and regions we learned about in this unit.

ELA11thUnit 1: General CommunicationLesson 15: Formal vs Informal Role-Play15

For this lesson, students will create a dialogue showing formal and informal communication.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 4: Literary DevicesLesson 15: TIME TO CLIMB Onomatopoeia15

In this activity, students will show their understanding of onomatopoeia using Nearpod's interactive quiz game, Time to Climb.

Math7th-8thUnit 4: Expressions and EquationsLesson 15: He Said She Said15

In this activity students will analyze another students' work to see who is correct by solving two-step equations.

ELA7th-8thDelete: Literary DevicesLesson 15: Idioms in Context15

In this activity, students will practice what they know about using context clues to determine the meaning of the idioms.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 4: Multiplication Fact FluencyLesson 15: Explore the 12s Times Table15

In this lesson students will explore the distributive property as a strategy for 12s times table.

Social Studies12thUnit 4: ConditioningOptional: The Chemical Mind15

For this lesson, students will explore the chemicals in the brain.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 5: American RevolutionOptional: Liberty's Kids - Green Mountain Boys (E7)15

For this OPTIONAL lesson, students can watch an episode of Liberty's Kids, a PBS show about the American Revolution.

Science10thUnit 12: Earth ResourcesLesson 15: Renewable Energy Project (LIVE)15

During this lesson, students will brainstorm for their renewable energy project.

ELA10thUnit 1: General WritingLesson 15: 10 Best Comma Rules15

For this lesson, students will learn 10 common rules for using commas.

ELA10thUnit 2: Informative EssaysLesson 15: FREE WRITE15

The FREE WRITE lessons will be a weekly lesson. Students have the freedom to write about whatever they choose (emotions, events, sports, video games, relationships, etc.). This will help them become more comfortable writing and expressing themselves.

ELA9th-10thUnit 6: Common Literary DevicesLesson 15: TIME TO CLIMB Point of View15

In this activity, students will practice identifying the narrative point of view using Nearpod's interactive quiz game, Time to Climb.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 5: Genres and SubgenresLesson 15: GOOGLE FORM Poetry Comprehension15

In this activity, students will read a poem and answer comprehension questions.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 9: EconomicsLesson 15: Budget Envelopes15

For this lesson, students will create envelopes to help with budgeting money.

Math7th-8thUnit 7: Linear RelationshipsLesson 15: Constant of Proportionality (LIVE)15

In this lesson students will learn about the constant of proportionality and apply their understanding to answer questions.

Social Studies11thUnit 4: Political BehaviorsLesson 15: Propaganda and Media15

For this lesson, students will explore how propaganda works within the media.

Science4th-5thUnit 9: WeatherLesson 15: Types of Clouds (Cotton Balls)15

For this lesson, students will display the 4 types of clouds using cotton balls.

Science9thUnit 3: CellsLesson 15: Labeling Cells (LIVE)15

During this lesson, students are going to locate and label organelles inside animal and plant cells.

Math6th-7thUnit 5: Rates and PercentsLesson 15: Mixed Practice with Percents15

In this lesson students will apply their knowledge of rates and percents to solve real-world problems.

Science10thUnit 6: HydrosphereOptional: Our Planet - Coastal Seas15

For this lesson, student can enjoy an episode of "Our Planet" and learn more about the coastal seas.

ELA4th-5thUnit 6: Types of EssaysLesson 15: Writing a Friendly Letter15

For this lesson, students are going to learn more about writing friendly letters.

ELA6th-7thUnit 1: ReviewLesson 15: Punctuation Cont (LIVE)15

During this lesson, students will learn about the rules for semicolons, colons, and quotation marks.

ELA9thUnit 1: Short StoriesLesson 15: Magnify an Event15

For this lesson, students will choose one event in the story they would like to magnify.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 7: FractionsLesson 15: Prickly Fraction Number Line15

In this lesson students will practice identifying mixed numbers on a number line.

ELA10thUnit 3: Argumentative EssaysLesson 15: FREE WRITE15

The FREE WRITE lessons will be a weekly lesson. Students have the freedom to write about whatever they choose (emotions, events, sports, video games, relationships, etc.). This will help them become more comfortable writing and expressing themselves.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 4: Short StoriesLesson 15: A Summarizing Song15

For this lesson, students will review how to write a summary of a fictional story with a fun song.

Special Times of YearSpecialsBlack History MonthOlder: WWI Harlem Hellfighters15

Students will learn about the Harlem Hellfighters and their impact in WWI.

Social Studies11thUnit 5: Basic Concepts of EconomicsLesson 15: Labor Markets and Minimum Wage15

For this lesson, students will look more into the labor markets and minimum wages.

ELA10thUnit 3: Argumentative EssaysLesson 15: Valid Arguments15

For this lesson, students will learn about validity and soundness of arguments.

Science10thUnit 9: PollutionLesson 15: Noise Pollution (LIVE)15

During this lesson, students will learn how noise effects humans and the environment.

Science4th-5thUnit 1: EcosystemsLesson 15: Dry Biomes (LIVE)15

During this lesson, students will learn about the dry biomes; desert and tundra.

Math6th-7thUnit 7: ExpressionsLesson 15: Simplifying Using the Distributive Property15

In this lesson students will simplify algebraic expressions using the distributive property.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 8: GeometryLesson 15: Quadrilateral Attributes15

In this lesson students will use descriptions of quadrilaterals to determine the shape or shapes.

ELA4th-5thExtra: Research and PresentLesson 15: Healthy Food Research15

For this lesson, students will research healthy foods.

Science9thUnit 5: Systems of Human BodyLesson 15: Muscular and Nervous Systems (LIVE)15

During this lesson, students will learn about the muscular and the nervous systems of the human body.

ELA9thUnit 3: Gothic LiteratureLesson 15: Dramatic Life of Poe15

For this lesson, students will learn about the life of Edgar Allan Poe.

MathK-1stUnit 6: Measurement and DataLesson 15: Measuring at the Zoo15

In this lesson students will practice measuring

MathK-1stUnit 8: MoneyLesson 15: Count and Represent Money to 100 Cents - Mixed Coins 15

In this lesson students will be able to count and represent money using mixed value coins.

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description