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SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Social Studies10thUnit 4: World War IILesson 4: Behind Every Name (Holocaust)4

For this lesson, students will watch animated stories about the Holocaust, then reflect on them.

Social Studies11thUnit 2: Constitutional Liberties and RightsLesson 4: Bill of Rights Scavenger Hunt4

For this lesson, students will go on a scavenger hunt (research) to tie each amendment in the Bill of Rights to a current event.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 2: Addition and SubtractionLesson 4: Expanded Form Addition4

In this lesson students will be introduced to adding three-digit numbers using the expanded form strategy.

ScienceHigh SchoolUnit 2: Heat TransferLesson 4: Whodunnit4

For this lesson, students will work through clues to figure out who committed the crime.

Social Studies12thUnit 3: Cognitive and Psychosocial DevelopmentLesson 4: Who Was Sigmund Freud?4

For this lesson, students will learn a little more about Sigmund Freud.

Math7th-8thUnit 6: Exponents and Scientific NotationLesson 4: Exploring Laws of Exponents4

In this lesson students will use the scenario as a paleontological dig to explore the laws of exponents.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 10: Magnetism and GravityLesson 4: Losing Gravity4

For this lesson, students will learn about what would happen if the Earth loses gravity.

Science10thUnit 3: Erosion and DepositionLesson 4: Characteristics of Erosion (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn more about the characteristics of erosion.

ELA9th-10thUnit 4: The Art of PersuasionLesson 4: READWORKS Cultivating Turkey4

In this Readworks mini lesson, students read a nonfiction text about the country of Turkey and answer comprehension questions.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 4: Literary DevicesLesson 4: READWORKS Prehistoric People4

This text describes the differences between prehistoric people and modern people, and how scientists learn about these ancient societies.

ELA5th-6thUnit 4: Literary ElementsLesson 4: READWORKS I Break Stuff4

In this activity, students read a text that tells a story of a childhood history of breaking things and how this led to the perfect job. They find key details and answer comprehension questions.

ELA7th-8thDelete: Literary DevicesLesson 4: The Legend of Socrates4

In this activity, students will practice comprehension skills while learning about Socrates as an inspirational leader. Students will watch an informative BBC video and answer comprehension questions about the main idea and key details.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 3: Multiplication and DivisionLesson 4: Solve It! Multiplication Problems4

In this lesson students will solve a variety of multiplication word problems by drawing equal groups and creating arrays.

Social Studies9thUnit 3: European NationsLesson 4: Eastern Region (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn about the nations of the Eastern Region of Europe.

Math6th-7thUnit 3: The Number SystemLesson 4: Fractions and Decimals Activity4

In this lesson students will complete a Google Form Escape Room to check their understanding of comparing and ordering fractions and decimals.

Social Studies10thUnit 5: Cold WarLesson 4: End of the Cold War (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn more about the ending events of the Cold War and the collapse of the USSR.

Social Studies10thUnit 6: Founding DocumentsLesson 3: U.S. Constitution (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn more about the creation of the U.S. Constitution.

Science4th-5thUnit 6: Producers and ConsumersLesson 4: Producer and Consumer Comparison4

For this lesson, students are going to compare and contrast producers and consumers.

Science9thUnit 6: OrganismsLesson 4: Characteristics of Organisms4

For this lesson, students will research two organisms and classify them with taxonomy.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 5: Genres and SubgenresLesson 4: KAHOOT Pecos Bill4

In this activity, students learn the tall tale of Pecos Bill and answer comprehension questions with the game Kahoot.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 9: EconomicsLesson 4: Goods and Services (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn the difference between goods and services.

Social Studies11thUnit 3: Branches of GovernmentLesson 4: Executive Branch (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn about the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government.

ELA5th-6thUnit 5: Literary DevicesLesson 4: TIME TO CLIMB Metaphors and Similes4

In this activity, students will show their understanding of similes and metaphors using Nearpod's interactive quiz game, Time to Climb.

ELA9th-10thUnit 6: Common Literary DevicesLesson 4: Dramatic Irony4

In this activity, students will create their own example of dramatic irony.

MathK-1stUnit 2: Comparing NumbersLesson 4: Numbers Greater Than4

In this lesson, students will learn how to determine which group of objects or numbers represents the greater amount.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 4: Multiplication Fact FluencyLesson 4: Explore the 0s and 1s Times Tables4

In this lesson students will explore the 0s and 1s times tables.

MathK-1stUnit 4: Addition and SubtractionLesson 4: Adding and Subtracting within 104

In this lesson, students will use ten frames to add and subtract. They will also review key vocabulary terms, like sum, difference, and equal sign.

Social Studies12thUnit 4: ConditioningLesson 4: Operant Conditioning (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn about Skinner and operant conditioning.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 5: American RevolutionLesson 4: Causes of Revolution (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn about the events that lead to the American Revolution.
*Warning: Minor Language*

Math6th-7thUnit 6: Coordinate PlaneLesson 4: Graphing Rational Numbers4

In this lesson students will be able to graph and identify rational numbers on the coordinate plane.

Science4th-5thUnit 7: Food Chains and WebsLesson 4: Food Webs (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn about food web and how they relate to food chains and our communities.

Math6th-7thUnit 4: RatiosLesson 4: Comparing Ratio Tables4

In this lesson students will be able to compare ratios using a ratio table and answer real world questions.

Math9thUnit 4: Linear FunctionsLesson 4-Practice finding slope and Y-Intercept4

Students will practice finding slope and Y-Intercept from a graph, points and an equation-Finish problems not performed in class on all three worksheets.

Science10thUnit 12: Earth ResourcesLesson 4: Energy Resources Reading4

For this lesson, students will read about energy resources.

Math7th-8thUnit 5: InequalitiesLesson 4: Inequality Review4

In this Nearpod activity students will practice their knowledge of inequalities.

ELA10thUnit 2: Informative EssaysLesson 4: Citations and Quotes4

For this lesson, students will explore more about citations and quotes within writing, and how to handle them.

Science11thUnit 4: SolutionsLesson 4: Water and Solutions4

For this lesson, students will learn how water is very important when it comes to solutions.

ELA5th-6thUnit 6: VocabularyLesson 4: WORKSHEET Homonym or Homograph4

In this activity, students practice writing sentences using homonyms and homographs.

Math10thUnit 3: Parallel and Perpendicular LinesLesson 4- More on Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines4

In this video, students learn about the equations of parallel and perpendicular lines. The worksheet will be used to determine if equations are parallel or perpendicular

Social Studies11thUnit 4: Political BehaviorsLesson 4: Political Parties (Crash Course)4

For this lesson, Crash Course discusses the different political parties in American politics.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 9: Force and MotionLesson 4: Newton's Second and Third Laws (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn about Newton's second and third laws of motion.

Social Studies9thUnit 4: African NationsLesson 4: North Africa (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn about the countries in North Africa.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 6: Patterns and SequencesLesson 4: Finding Patterns with Input and Output4

In this lesson students will learn how to find number patterns using addition and subtraction "in and out" boxes.

Science3rd-4thUnit: HolidaysOptional: NYE Word Search4

For this optional holiday lesson, students will complete a word search for New Year's Eve.

Science5th-6thUnit: HolidaysOptional: What is Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Diwali4

For this optional holiday lesson, students will learn about Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Diwali.

Special Times of YearSpecialsUnit: HolidaysOptional: Vision Board - Personal (Older)4

For this optional holiday lesson, students will create personal goals for the new year.

Science9th-10thUnit: HolidayOptional: Periodic Table Code (Symbols)4

For this optional holiday lesson, students decipher a code using the element symbols from the periodic table.

Social StudiesSpecialsUnit: HolidaysOptional: New Year Goals4

For this optional holiday lesson, students will create goals for the new year.

Social StudiesSpecialsUnit: HolidaysOptional: NYE Around the World4

For this optional holiday lesson, students will read how New Year's is celebrated around the world.

Social StudiesSpecialsUnit: HolidaysOptional: NYE Celebrations (Older)4

For this optional holiday lesson, students will describe how they celebrate the New Year.

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description

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