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SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Science9thUnit 1: What Is BiologyLesson 4: Guess That Job (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will participate in a game to match careers in biology.

Science11thUnit 1: AtomsLesson 4: Elements (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn about elements and their properties.

Art (beginner)SpecialsDrawing for BeginnersLesson 4: Circles and Position (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn how to change circles into objects, as well as add depth and position.

Social Studies10thUnit 1: Global InteractionsLesson 4: Age of Discovery4

For this lesson, students will learn more about the Age of Exploration/Discovery.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 8: Reading Fluency IndependentAlien in My Cereal (580L)4

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 9: Reading Comprehension IndependentConquering Fears and Phobias (630L)4

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency.

Times of YearSpecialsAutumn DaysPatriot Day Reading (older)4

For this lesson, students will read about the events of September 11th, 2001.

Social Studies10thUnit 2: Industrial Revolution and ImperialismLesson 4: Simple History of Industrial Revolution4

For this lesson, students will watch an overview of the Industrial Revolution.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 5: Earth ResourcesLesson 4: Welcome to the Neighborhood4

For this lesson, students will review how humans use resources throughout their lives.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 3: Reading ComprehensionLesson 4: Text Features (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will learn about text features that help readers with comprehension.

ELA9thUnit 4: Classic NovelsLesson 4: Sound of the Shell (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will reflect on chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies.

Math9thUnit 1: Algebra FoundationsLesson 5: Combining like terms5

Practice identifying and combining like terms

Math9thUnit 2: Equations and InequalitiesLesson 5: Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators5

In this grades 6-8 video mini-lesson, students watch a video about adding fractions with unlike denominators after reviewing key background knowledge and practice adding fractions with unlike denominators.

ELAK-1stUnit 1: Letters and SoundsK - Letters Oo Pp Qq and Rr5

This lesson teaches students to recognize letters of the alphabet. Students will learn and practice saying and writing the target letters “o”, “p”, “q”, and “r”.

ELAK-1stUnit 4: Short VowelsK - Lesson 5: Short vowel Uu5

This lesson teaches students how to recognize the short vowel “u”. Students will learn different word combinations using the target vowel and practice writing short words.

MathK-1stUnit 1: Numbers and CountingLesson 5: Counting to 20: Part 25

In this lesson, students will practice counting out objects equal to a number 10-20 by completing a drag and drop activity.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 7: Scientific MethodLesson 5: Plant's Vascular System Experiment (LIVE)5

It's an experiment day! We are going to practice the scientific method while learning about a plant's vascular system. This is an experiment that will last overnight, so we will start it this day and finish it the next day. https://tamarahorne.com/how-to-reveal-a-plants-vascular-system/

Science2nd-3rdUnit 8: MatterLesson 5: Matter Review Games (LIVE)5

IT'S GAME TIME! Let's practice our knowledge on matter with some fun GimKit games! Join with the LIVE code to participate in the live games. If you are not participating LIVE, you can SKIP this lesson.

Science4th-5thUnit 5: Patterns on EarthLesson 5: Seasons on Earth (LIVE)5

During this lesson, we will explore the seasons on Earth with a demonstration!
*Check the experiment worksheet to see what materials are needed, if you want to participate in the demonstration*

Science4th-5thUnit 8: Inherited Traits and Learned BehaviorsLesson 5: Inherited and Learned BINGO (LIVE)5

IT"S GAME DAY! During this lesson, students will review the unit by playing BINGO. Students may choose whichever BINGO sheet they want to play with and find something to use as "chips."

Science6th-7thUnit 6: Motion and ForcesLesson 5: Interpreting Graphs (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students are going to learn how to interpret graphs for distance/time and speed/time. Students will work with teacher to complete most of the graphs, then finished them as the next asynchronous assignment.

Science6th-7thUnit 5: Catastrophic EventsLesson 5: Apocalypse Planning (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will participate in a hypothetical apocalypse scenario. Afterwards, students will start planning their catastrophic posters.

Science11thUnit 2: Periodic TableLesson 5: Design Own Table5

Project Time! For this lesson, students are going to design their own table with an interest of their choice.

Science11thUnit 3: BondingLesson 5: Lewis Diagrams (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will learn how to draw Lewis Diagrams for bonding.

Science7th-8thUnit 3: Layers of EarthLesson 5: Plotting Earthquakes and Volcanoes (LIVE)5

During this activity, students will plot the locations of the most recent earthquakes and volcanoes around the world.

Social Studies12thUnit 2: Influencing BehaviorLesson 3: Perception (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will look more at how the brain works with perceptions and practice one of the cognitive biases.

Social Studies11thUnit 1: Origins and Principles of US GovernmentLesson 5: Principles Review Game (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will play review games to showcase their knowledge on the previous lessons.

ELAK-1stUnit 2: Parts of SpeechGet Into Grammar Plural Nouns5

In this lesson, students practice their grammar skills by deciding what noun in plural form works best to describe pictures.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 1: Place ValueLesson 5: Expanded Form5

In this lesson students will able to represent the value of whole numbers in expanded form.

Math4th-5thUnit 1: Place ValueLesson 5: Round Decimals Practice5

In this lesson students will practice and strengthen their ability to round decimals to any place by completing example problems.

Social Studies10thUnit 3: World War ILesson 5: Outcome of WWI (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students are learning about the outcomes of WWI, both around the world and in America.

Math10thUnit 1: Fundamentals and Tools of GeometryLesson 5-Solving Linear Equations: Matching Solutions5

In this math skill-based practice lesson, students strengthen their understanding of solving linear equations by completing a challenge matching solutions with the correct equations.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 5: Styles of GovernmentLesson 5: Who Rules? (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will review the different types of governments studied in this unit.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 8: U.S. Political and Economic RegionsLesson 5: Midwest Region (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will learn more about the Midwest region of the United States.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 6: CitizenshipLesson 5: Being a Good Citizen (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will brainstorm how to be a good citizen to get started on their booklet.

Life SkillsHealth and BodyLesson 5: Why Do We Sweat5

During this lesson, students will learn why our bodies sweat.

Life Skills3rd-4thHealth and BodyLesson 5: Why Am I So Sweaty5

In this lesson, students will learn why their bodies sweat.

Life Skills3rd-4thElectivesLesson 5: Quarter, Eighth, and Sixteenth Note5

During this lesson, students will learn about the quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes in music.

Life Skills5th-6thHealth and BodyLesson 5: What Would Happen If You Didn't Sleep5

In this lesson, students will learn why our bodies need sleep what happens when we don't get enough.

Life Skills7th-8thOther SkillsLesson 5: Why People Are Choosing to Quit Social Media5

During this lesson, students will learn why a number of people are starting to quit using social media.

Life Skills7th-8thElectivesLesson 5: How to Look at Public Art5

During this lesson, a 6-year-old will explain how to look at art you see in the public.

Life Skills9th-10thHealth and BodyLesson 5: Why is Vaporing so Popular5

During this lesson, students will learn about how harmful vaping really is and the effects it could have on your body.

Life Skills9th-10thRelationships and CharacterLesson 5: How Do Social Media Platforms Affect Your Mood5

During this lesson, students will learn the affects of social media and how the platforms affect their moods.

Life Skills9th-10thOther SkillsLesson 5: 5 Tips to Protect Your Privacy Online5

During this lesson, students will learn how to protect their privacy while online.

Life Skills9th-10thElectivesLesson 5: How to Read Sheet Music5

In this lesson, students will learn about how to read sheet music.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 1: Get Into GrammarLesson 5: MORE Nouns and Pronouns5

In this lesson, students learn about the different types of nouns and practice identifying common and proper nouns. They also learn that a pronoun is used to replace a noun in a sentence.

Math7th-8thUnit 1: Rational Number OperationsLesson 5: Rational Numbers (LIVE)5

In this lesson students will be able to understand the rules for addition and subtraction with Integers and multiplication and division.

ELA7th-8thDelete: The Grammar SeriesLesson 5: Parts of Speech Recap5

In this lesson, students share their understanding of the 8 parts of speech.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 7: Government StructureLesson 5: Local Government (LIVE)5

During this two part lesson, students will first learn about the basics of the local government and their responsibilities. Then, students will work through a short Nearpod.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 4: 13 ColoniesLesson 5: Southern Colonies (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will learn about the Southern Colonies of the 13 original colonies of the USA.

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