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SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
ELA7th-8thUnit 2: Novel StudiesLesson 5: Analyze Chapters 1-5 (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will review chapters 1-5 of Touching Spirit Bear.

Social Studies6th-7thUnit 2: Early WorldLesson 5: The Rise and Fall of the Assyrian Empire5

In this TED-Ed video, students will examine Assyria, considered by historians to be the first true empire, as well as its innovations that laid the groundwork for every superpower that has followed.

Math11thUnit 1: Foundations of Algebra IILesson 5: Solve Algebraic Inequalities (LIVE)5

In this lesson, students will be solving algebraic inequalities.

Math11thUnit 2: Foundations of FunctionsLesson 5: Parent Functions (LIVE)5

In this lesson, students will identify the different types of functions.

Math12thUnit 1: One Variable DataLesson 5: Statistics and Variables (LIVE)5

In this lesson, students will be able to identify and classify variables in a set of data.

Science7th-8thUnit 5: Water CycleLesson 5: Are We Running Out of Water5

For this lesson, students will explore if the world is actually running out of water.

Social Studies9thUnit 1: U.S. and CanadaLesson 5: What is Human Geography?5

In this video from Crash Course, students learn about human geography and the politics behind naming of places. They also learn about toponyms and why the process of restoration of names is important.

Science9thUnit 1: What Is BiologyLesson 5: What Biologists Do5

For this lesson, students will learn more about what biologist do in their career.

Science11thUnit 1: AtomsLesson 5: History of Atoms5

For this lesson, students will learn about the history of atoms.

Social Studies10thUnit 1: Global InteractionsLesson 5: Indian Ocean Trade5

For this lesson, students will learn more about the impact of the Indian Ocean Trade.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 8: Reading Fluency IndependentMonster in My Closet (630L)5

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 9: Reading Comprehension IndependentSchool Year-Round (650L)5

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency.

Times of YearSpecialsAutumn DaysHispanic Heritage Meaning5

For this lesson, students will make predictions and look up definitions of Hispanic and heritage.

Social Studies10thUnit 2: Industrial Revolution and ImperialismLesson 5: Spread of Industrial Revolution (LIVE)5

During this lesson, students will learn how the Industrial Revolution spread across the world and the child labor used during that time.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 5: Earth ResourcesLesson 5: How to Get Resources5

For this lesson, students will learn how we get resources.

ELA9thUnit 4: Classic NovelsLesson 5: Read Chapters 2-35

For this lesson, students will read chapters 2-3 of the Lord of the Flies.

MathK-1stUnit 1: Numbers and CountingLesson 6: Counting to 20: Part 36

In this lesson, students will practice counting out objects equal to a number 10-20 by completing a drag and drop activity.

Math9thUnit 1: Algebra FoundationsLesson 6: Order of operations6

Practice order of operations-Time to climb

Math9thUnit 2: Equations and InequalitiesLesson 6: Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators6

In this video from Khan Academy, students learn how to subtract fractions with unlike denominators. This video also discusses how to write mixed numbers as improper fractions.

Math7th-8thUnit 1: Rational Number OperationsLesson 6: Multiplying and Dividing Integers6

In this lesson students will be able to multiply and divide integers.

Math7th-8thUnit 2: Real Number SystemLesson 6: Comparing and Ordering Real Numbers6

In this lesson students will be able to compare and order real numbers.

ELAK-1stUnit 1: Letters and SoundsK - Letters Ss Tt Uu and Vv6

This lesson teaches students to recognize letters of the alphabet. Students will learn and practice saying and writing the target letters “s”, “t”, “u”, and “v”.

Math4th-5thUnit 1: Place ValueLesson 6: Place Value Review6

In this lesson students will check their understanding of place value.

Math6th-7thUnit 1: Decimal OperationsLesson 6: Dividing by a Decimal Part 26

In this Nearpod Skill Builder, students will solve division problems using multi-digit decimals. The students will read and write decimals to the thousandths.

Math6th-7thUnit 2: Fraction OperationsLesson 6: Dividing Fractions with Whole Numbers6

In this lesson students will be able to divide fractions with whole numbers using models and algorithm by applying the rules for dividing fractions.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 7: Scientific MethodLesson 6: Experiment Results: Plant's Vascular System6

It's time to revisit our flowers and celery stalks! Let's check out how they look after sitting overnight! Record the results of your plants and answer the questions on the experiment worksheet.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 8: MatterLesson 6: Properties of Matter6

During this lesson, students will showcase their knowledge on the Nearpod wrap-up to end the Matter unit.

Science4th-5thUnit 5: Patterns on EarthLesson 6: Seasons of Earth Recap6

In this lesson, students will watch a video that dives deeper in the seasons of the Earth, as a recap.

Science4th-5thUnit 8: Inherited Traits and Learned BehaviorsLesson 6: Nearpod Wrap-Up6

Students will wrap up the unit on inherited and learned traits by showcasing their knowledge with some questions on Nearpod.

Science6th-7thUnit 6: Motion and ForcesLesson 6: Interpret Graphs Finish6

Students will finish the graphs from the previous live lesson (interpreting graphs)

Science6th-7thUnit 5: Catastrophic EventsLesson 6: Catastrophic Poster Project6

For this lesson, students will complete their catastrophic posters that they started planning in the previous live lesson.

Science11thUnit 3: BondingLesson 6: Lewis Diagram Practice6

For this lesson, students will practice drawing Lewis Diagrams for given chemical formulas.

Science7th-8thUnit 3: Layers of EarthLesson 6: Ring of Fire Video6

For this lesson, students are going learn a little more about the Ring of Fire.

Social Studies12thUnit 2: Influencing BehaviorLesson 4: Story of Future6

For this lesson, students will plan goals for the future based on their strengths.

Social Studies11thUnit 1: Origins and Principles of US GovernmentLesson 6: Principles Comic6

For this lesson, students will choose one comic to create a comic for.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 1: Place ValueLesson 6: Comparing Multi Digit Numbers (LIVE)6

In this lesson students will be able to compare multi-digit whole numbers, learn key vocabulary, explore place value and symbols, and apply their learning to a real-world scenario.

Social Studies10thUnit 3: World War ILesson 6: WWI American Recap6

For this lesson, students will watch a video that recaps what we learned about WWI.

Math10thUnit 1: Fundamentals and Tools of GeometryLesson 6-Mistakes in Solving Equations6

In this video from Khan Academy, students learn to rectify the common mistakes while doing algebra.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 5: Styles of GovernmentLesson 6: Choice of Government6

For this lesson, students will design their own government and decide which type of government they would like to choose.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 8: U.S. Political and Economic RegionsLesson 6: Where Do YOU Live6

For this lesson, students are going to research more about where they live.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 6: CitizenshipLesson 6: Being a Good Citizen Booklet6

For this lesson, students are going to continue working on their booklet from the previous live lesson (if not already finished).

Life Skills3rd-4thElectivesLesson 6: Instruments and Musical Figures6

In this lesson, students will learn about instruments and musical figures.

Life Skills5th-6thHealth and BodyLesson 6: What Would Happen If You Didn't Drink Water6

In this lesson, students will learn why we need to drink water and what happens when we don't drink enough.

Life Skills7th-8thOther SkillsLesson 6: FLO: Internet Safety6

During this Flocabulary lesson, students will learn more about internet safety with a fun song.

Life Skills7th-8thElectivesLesson 6: Elements of Art - Texture6

In this lesson, students will learn about the element of texture and how it's used in art.

Life Skills9th-10thHealth and BodyLesson 6: How Sugar Affects the Brain6

In this lesson, students will learn the effects on sugar on our brain and how it can be addictive.

Life Skills9th-10thRelationships and CharacterLesson 6: Why is Peer Pressure so Powerful6

During this lesson, students learn why it feel like peer pressure is so powerful.

Life Skills9th-10thOther SkillsLesson 6: Screen Time - How Much is Too Much6

During this lesson, students will learn about how much time is too much when it comes to screen time.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 1: Get Into GrammarLesson 6: MORE Verbs6

In this lesson, students learn about verbs and practice identifying verb tenses.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 7: Government StructureLesson 6: My Government Laws6

For this lesson, students will write down laws they would want their government to do.

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