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SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Social Studies12thUnit 9: History of SociologyLesson 6: Major Sociological Paradigms6

For this lesson, students will learn about three paradigms that sociology is broken up into.

Social Studies11thUnit 7: MacroeconomicsLesson 6: Economic School of Thought6

For this lesson, students will learn more about economic philosophers.

ELA4th-5thUnit 5: Once Upon a TimeLesson 6: Sigmund Freud (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will learn about someone who is well known for his work on human behavior.

Science9thUnit 7: EcosystemsLesson 6: Productivity of Ecosystems (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will learn how the productivity of ecosystems are measured.

ELA10thUnit 5: Creative WritingLesson 6: FREE WRITE6

The FREE WRITE lessons will be a weekly lesson. Students have the freedom to write about whatever they choose (emotions, events, sports, video games, relationships, etc.). This will help them become more comfortable writing and expressing themselves.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 10: Technological GrowthLesson 6: What If?6

Students will choose a writing prompt that presumes a technological innovation or invention never occurred.

Math4th-5thUnit 2: DecimalsLesson 6: Equivalent Decimals Maze6

In this lesson students will use their understanding of equivalent decimals to complete a maze.

ELA7th-8thUnit 4: Writing PoetryLesson 6: Write Your Own Diamante Poem6

For this lesson, students will write their own diamante poem.

Science4th-5thUnit 3: Water CycleLesson 6: What is the Water Cycle6

For this lesson, students will learn more about the steps of the water cycle.

Science6th-7thUnit 3: Metals and NonmetalsLesson 6: Whodunnit (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will answer questions to solve clues and figure out Whodunnit.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 2: Explorers, Missions, and ColonizationLesson 6: Explorers Foldable6

Students will create a foldable by researching the required information.(Using the material from the previous two live lessons)

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 6: Creative WritingLesson 6: Second Random Picture Writing6

For this lesson, students will choose a picture to write a creative story about.

Math10thUnit 9: TransformationsLesson 6: Transformations with Maps (LIVE)6

In this lesson students will apply their knowledge of transformations to a map

Science10thUnit 8: AtmosphereLesson 6: How Do Ocean Currents Work6

For this lesson, students will take a closer look at how ocean currents work around the world.

Social Studies12thUnit 10: US Cultures and SubculturesLesson 6: Sociology Project6

For this lesson, students will choose a sociology project to complete.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 1: European RenaissanceLesson 6: Renaissance Project (LIVE)6

Students will be given details of research and project expectations.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 4: U.S. GovernmentLesson 6: Gimkit Review (LIVE)6

The class will play a quiz game to review Unit 9.

Social Studies12thUnit 11: Contemporary AdolescentsLesson 6: Sex and Sexuality6

For this lesson, students will learn the difference between sex and sexuality.

Math6th-7thUnit 13: Data and StatisticsLesson 6: Measures of Variability6

In this lesson students will be able to define and identify the measures of variability from a given data set.

ELA4th-5thUnit 1: Parts of SpeechLesson 6: Task Cars (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students are going to practice parts of speech with task cards.

ELA4th-5thUnit 2: Types of SentencesLesson 6: Run-On Sentences6

For this lesson, students will learn about run-on sentences.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 1: U.S. Symbols and CustomsLesson 6: U.S. Symbols - Definitions6

In this Matching Pairs activity, students strengthen their understanding of United States Symbols, including presidents.

Science7th-8thUnit 2: Space RaceLesson 6: Space Patch Project6

For this lesson, students will create their own space patch and explain its meaning.

Science7th-8thUnit 4: Movement of EarthLesson 6: Continents Are Moving6

For this lesson, students will learn about continental drift.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 1: PlantsLesson 6: Plants Rely on Animals (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will learn how plants rely on animals.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 2: AnimalsLesson 6: Animals Rely on Plants (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will learn how animals rely on plants to survive.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 3: Life CyclesLesson 6: Animal Life Cycles (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will learn about the many different life cycles of animals.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 4: Food ChainsLesson 6: Human Meals (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will learn how energy flows to the foods humans eat.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 1: Decoding WordsLesson 6: Decode Mode - Choice 16

For this lesson, students will choose a list from the Decode Mode Worksheets to complete.

ELAK-1stUnit 3: Sight WordsDecode Mode Worksheets6

Multiple lists for students to mark and decode words.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 2: Parts of SpeechLesson 6: Verbs6

During this lesson, students will learn about verbs.

Science10thUnit 2: History of EarthLesson 6: Dinosaurs 1016

For this lesson, students will learn more about dinosaurs.

ELA6th-7thUnit 2: Figurative LanguageLesson 6: Word Choice (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will work through examples with the teacher about the importance of word choice.

Social Studies6th-7thUnit 1: Civilization, Maps, and GeographyLesson 6: Why Every World Map Is Wrong6

In this video from TED-Ed, students learn the history of mapping the world.

ELA7th-8thUnit 1: CommunicationLesson 6: Public Speaking (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will focus on public speaking and asking questions to improve their communication.

ELA9thUnit 2: Nonfiction ReadingLesson 6: Discuss Part II (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will discuss what happened in Part II of Unbroken

ELA7th-8thUnit 2: Novel StudiesLesson 6: Read Chapters 6-116

For this lesson, students will read chapters 6-11 and answer questions about the chapters.

Social Studies6th-7thUnit 2: Early WorldLesson 6: Why Do We Have Museums?6

In this video from TED-Ed, students learn about the early museums, what kinds of collections are found in museums, and how museums have changed over time.

Math11thUnit 1: Foundations of Algebra IILesson 6: Compound Inequalities6

In this lesson, students will be graphing and solving multiple inequalities.

Math11thUnit 2: Foundations of FunctionsLesson 6: Digital Flip Chart - Parent Functions6

In this lesson, students will complete a Google Slide activity for identifying parent functions.

Science7th-8thUnit 5: Water CycleLesson 6: Water Cycle Process (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will look more into the process of the water cycle.

Math12thUnit 1: One Variable DataLesson 6: Representing Categorical Data6

In this lesson, students will be able to represent categorical data in a frequency table, bar graph, and pie graph.

Social Studies9thUnit 1: U.S. and CanadaLesson 6: Every Cultural Region Of The United States Explained6

This fast paced video will further discuss the many aspects of the United States to include geological, economic, cultural, and historical features.

Science9thUnit 1: What Is BiologyLesson 6: Career Spotlight - Microbiologist6

For this lesson, students will focus on what microbiologists do in their career.

Science11thUnit 1: AtomsLesson 6: Most Dangerous Elements6

For this lesson, students will learn about six deadly elements.

Science11thUnit 2: Periodic TableLesson 6: Periodic Table (Crash Course)6

For this lesson, students will learn more about the periodic table with Crash Course.

Social Studies10thUnit 1: Global InteractionsLesson 6: Age of Exploration (LIVE)6

During this lesson, students will learn more about the age of exploration and trade.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 8: Reading Fluency IndependentThe Haunted House (650L)6

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 9: Reading Comprehension IndependentCesar Chavez (690L)6

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency.

Times of YearSpecialsAutumn DaysHHM Coloring Pages6

For this lesson, students can color pictures based on Hispanic heritage.

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description

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