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SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
ELA7th-8thDelete: Reading ComprehensionWRITING PICTURE Prompts9

In this activity, students will complete a quick write using a picture prompt.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 10: Magnetism and GravityLesson 9: Science Max - Magnets (LIVE)9

During this lesson, students will discuss different strengths and uses of magnets.

Social Studies9thUnit 3: European NationsLesson 9: Industrial Revolution9

For this lesson, students will learn about the Industrial Revolution era in Europe.

ELA11thUnit 1: General CommunicationLesson 9: Shy to Confident9

For this lesson, Vinh will explain how confidence drastically impacts communication.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 4: Literary DevicesLesson 9: Alliteration & Imagery (LIVE)9

In this lesson on alliteration, students will learn the meaning and use of alliteration in writing and practice creating their own alliterative sentences.

Science9thUnit 6: OrganismsLesson 9: GimKit Review (LIVE)9

During this lesson, students will review the unit with GimKit games.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 9: EconomicsLesson 9: Largest Producers (Research)9

For this lesson, students will research to find the largest producers for certain products.

Social Studies11thUnit 3: Branches of GovernmentLesson 9: Checks and Balances9

For this lesson, students will review how checks and balances is important to our government.

ELA5th-6thUnit 4: Literary ElementsLesson 9: Point of View(LIVE)9

In this lesson, students learn about identifying the narrator's point of view in a narrative. They explore the differences between first-person and third-person storytelling to determine how the point of view affects the story.

ELA7th-8thDelete: Literary DevicesLesson 9: Symbolism LIVE9

In this lesson, students will develop a working definition of symbolism as a device in literature. Students will learn how authors create deeper meaning within their writing by using this literary device.

MathK-1stUnit 2: Comparing NumbersLesson 9: Whole Numbers Advanced9

In this lesson, students learn to compare whole numbers.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 4: Multiplication Fact FluencyLesson 9: Explore the 3s Times Table (LIVE)9

In this lesson students will explore the distributive property as a strategy for 3s times table.

MathK-1stUnit 4: Addition and SubtractionLesson 9: Subtracting with Dot Figures up to Twenty9

In this lesson, students will practice double digit subtraction using dominos.

Social Studies12thUnit 4: ConditioningLesson 9: Sleeping and Dreaming9

For this lesson, students will learn about why they dream and what happens during sleep.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 5: American RevolutionOptional: Liberty's Kids - Intolerable Acts (E2)9

For this OPTIONAL lesson, students can watch an episode of Liberty's Kids, a PBS show about the American Revolution.

Science4th-5thUnit 7: Food Chains and WebsLesson 9: Food Webs9

For this lesson, students will review food webs with a Nearpod video.

ELA9th-10thUnit 6: Common Literary DevicesLesson 9: Analyzing Tone and Mood LIVE9

In this lesson, students will develop a working definition of both tone and mood as literary devices. They will focus on differentiating between tone and mood and analyzing how a change in tone can affect mood.

Math6th-7thUnit 4: RatiosLesson 9: Fruit Loop Lab9

In this lesson students will use the concept of ratios to describe the relationship between two quantities.

Science10thUnit 12: Earth ResourcesLesson 9: Fossil Fuel Impact9

For this lesson, students will read about how fossil fuels impact the Earth and humans.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 5: Genres and SubgenresLesson 9: Myths and Legends (LIVE)9

In this lesson, students learn how to distinguish between a myth and a legend.

ELA10thUnit 2: Informative EssaysLesson 9: Text Structures9

For this lesson, students will review text structures with a Nearpod video.

ELA5th-6thUnit 5: Literary DevicesLesson 9: Imagery LIVE9

In this lesson, students will develop a working definition of imagery. Students will learn how to make their writing more interesting and vivid using this literary device.

Social Studies11thUnit 4: Political BehaviorsLesson 9: How Voters Decide9

For this lesson, students will learn how many voters decide who to vote for in elections.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 9: Force and MotionLesson 9: Force and Motion (Ramps)9

For this lesson, students will learn how forces and motion are influenced by ramps

Math9thUnit 4: Linear FunctionsLesson 9-Graphing a linear function using standard form(LIVE)9

In this lesson on standard form, students explore how to identify and graph a linear equation in standadrd forma dn how it rleates to other forms of linear equations

Social Studies10thUnit 6: Founding DocumentsOptional: The Story of Us - American West (E3)9

For this OPTIONAL lesson, students can continue with The Story of Us series, episode 3.

Science4th-5thUnit 9: WeatherLesson 9: Types of Clouds (Descriptions)9

For this anticipatory lesson, students are going to describe what clouds look like in their own words.

Science9thUnit 3: CellsLesson 9: Cell Transport9

For this lesson, students will learn about how cells transport materials in and out.

Math6th-7thUnit 5: Rates and PercentsLesson 9: Solving Percents with Proportions9

In this lesson students will use proportions to find percents

Math7th-8thUnit 3: Rates and PercentsLesson 9: Ratios and Proportions9

In this lesson students will review what ratios and proportions are and how to solve problems involving ratio and proportions.

Math7th-8thUnit 18 Financial LiteracyLesson 9 Percent Task Cards9

In this lesson students will practice finding simple interest in real-world problems.

Social Studies9thUnit 4: African NationsLesson 9: History of Asante9

For this lesson, students will learn about the history of the Asante (aka Ashanti) people.

Science11thUnit 5: ThermochemistryLesson 9: Specific Heat Practice9

For this lesson, students are going to practice calculating specific heat.

Science10thUnit 6: HydrosphereOptional: Our Planet - Fresh Water9

For this lessons, students can enjoy an episode of "Our Planet" and learn more about the fresh water areas of Earth.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 6: Civil WarLesson 9: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - 100 years after the Civil War9

In this video, students learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s use of nonviolent protest and civil disobedience to fight segregation and racism. They also learn about the other members of the Big Six civil rights leaders.

Math9thUnit 5: Systems of Equations and InequalitiesLesson 9: Word Problems Part 19

In this lesson students will follow a 4-step method to solve a word problem using a system of equations.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 4: Short StoriesLesson 9: OUR Story (LIVE)9

During this lesson, students are going to create a story with the teacher to practice the elements of a story. What was created in class is attached and students will continue the story.

ELA4th-5thUnit 6: Types of EssaysLesson 9: Persuasive Paragraph Final9

For this lesson, students will write their final draft of the persuasive paragraph they planned in lesson 8.

ELA6th-7thUnit 1: ReviewLesson 9: Prepositions9

For this lesson, students will learn more about prepositions with a fun song.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 11: Solar SystemLesson 9: Other Space Objects (LIVE)9

During this lesson, students will learn about other space objects, such as moons and the asteroid belt.

Math7th-8thUnit 4: Expressions and EquationsLesson 9: One and Two Step Equations9

In this lesson students will be able to solve one and two step equations but identifying the steps to solve for the variable and by using algebra tiles to model the equations

ELA9thUnit 1: Short StoriesLesson 9: Read Pages 9-139

For this lesson, students will read pages 9-13 in The Most Dangerous Game for the next live lesson.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 7: FractionsLesson 9: Simplify Fractions Part 29

In this lesson students will apply their understanding of finding equivalent fractions using the strategies they have learned.

Social Studies12thUnit 6: PersonalityLesson 9: Personality Assessment9

For this lesson, students are going to take a personality test and answer questions about their results.

ELA10thUnit 3: Argumentative EssaysLesson 9: FREE WRITE9

The FREE WRITE lessons will be a weekly lesson. Students have the freedom to write about whatever they choose (emotions, events, sports, video games, relationships, etc.). This will help them become more comfortable writing and expressing themselves.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 12: Energy FormsLesson 9: Energy STEM Journal (Project)9

For this lesson, students are going to create a rollercoaster for a marble (or small ball). Parent assistance is recommended.

Character BuildingSpecialsCharacter PillarsLesson 9: Prioritize Responsibilities (Older)9

For this lesson, students will watch a video about priorities in life, then answer questions about their priorities in life.

Math9thUnit 6: Laws of ExponentsLesson 9: Boom Cards - Simplify Non-Perfect Square Roots9

In this lesson students will practice simplifying non-perfect square roots in an online activity.

Special Times of YearSpecialsBlack History MonthYounger: Black Heroes Puzzles9

Students will research a black history hero and complete the puzzle of information.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 8: Government DutiesLesson 9: Representative Democracy9

Why do we elect politicians to create laws for us? In this one-minute video, students learn about representative democracy. A host explains its origin and functions, and students consider the qualities they might seek in an elected official.

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