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SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Math9thUnit 6: Laws of ExponentsLesson 10: Boom Cards - Rational Exponents and Expressions10

In this lesson students will complete and online activity to practice simplifying with rational exponents and rational expressions.

Special Times of YearSpecialsBlack History MonthOlder: W.E.B. Du Bois10

Students will learn about the impact of W.E.B. Du Bois.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 8: Government DutiesLesson 10: Presidential Crossword10

Vocabulary practice in crossword form

ELA11thUnit 3: Verbal CommunicationLesson 10: Listening10

For this lesson, students will learn the importance of active listening during communication.

Science11thUnit 6: Newtons LawsLesson 10: Newtons Laws10

For this lesson, students will review all three laws of motion.

ELA9thUnit 3: Gothic LiteratureLesson 10: Pennant10

For this lesson, students will complete worksheets about The Tell Tale Heart and create a pennant.

Social Studies10thUnit 8: Civil WarLesson 7: Reconstruction Era (LIVE)10

In this lesson, students will review the Emancipation Proclamation and learn about the attempts and failures of reconstruction.(Sensitive Content)

Social Studies11thUnit 5: Basic Concepts of EconomicsLesson 10: Market Economy10

For this lesson, students will dive deeper into the market economy system.

ELA5th-6thUnit 8: Research and PresentLesson 10: Choosing Sources10

For this lesson, students will learn how to choose the best sources.

ELA6th-7thUnit 3: Genre StudiesLesson 10: What is Poetry10

For this lesson, students will review poetry.

Science6th-7thUnit 2: Elements and CompoundsLesson 10: Types of Matter10

For this lesson, students will review the types of matter.

Science10thUnit 9: PollutionLesson 10: Preventing Flint10

For this lesson, students will learn how environmental engineering can help cities.

Science9thUnit 5: Systems of Human BodyLesson 10: Digestive and Excretory Systems (LIVE)10

During this lesson, students will learn about two systems; the digestive and excretory systems.

Science4th-5thUnit 1: EcosystemsLesson 10: Deciduous Wordsearch10

For this lesson, students will search for vocab words that relate to deciduous forests.

Math6th-7thUnit 7: ExpressionsLesson 10: Combine Like Terms10

In this lesson students will be able to combine similar terms to simplify expressions

Math7th-8thUnit 7: Linear RelationshipsLesson 10: Graphing Linear Equations (LIVE)10

In this lesson students will learn to graph a linear equation.

MathK-1stUnit 9: FractionsLesson 10: Fractions are Parts10

In this lesson, students will learn about parts and whole of fractions.

Math9thUnit 7: Factoring PolynomialsLesson 10: Factor a Trinomial when a does not equal 1.10

In this lesson students will be able to factor a trinomial when a does not equal 1

Social Studies12thUnit 7: StressLesson 10: Good and Bad Stress (LIVE)10

During this lesson, students will learn how there is good stress and bad stress.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 8: GeometryLesson 10: Identifying Points, Lines, Rays and Angles (LIVE)10

In this lesson students will be able to identify points, lines, rays and angles.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 8: Civil Rights MovementLesson 10: The Jim Crow Era10

Students will learn about the Jim Crow Era; the times that led to the Civil Rights Movement

ELA6th-7thUnit 4: Literary ElementsLesson 10: Setting Analysis 2 (Umbrella)10

For this lesson, students will watch a short film and analyze the setting

MathK-1stUnit 8: MoneyLesson 10: Making Change10

In this lesson students will learn to make change, key vocabulary, explore skip counting on number lines, and apply their knowledge to a real-world situation.

MathK-1stUnit 6: Measurement and DataLesson 10: How Far Can You Jump?10

In this lesson students will practice measuring length with non-standard units of measure.

MathK-1stUnit 10: Time and SeasonsLesson 10: Time to the Nearest Five Minutes Worksheet10

In this lesson students will practice telling time to the nearest five minutes.

ELA11thUnit 4: PresentationsLesson 10: What is Your Through Line10

For this lesson, students will learn about through lines when it comes to presentations.

ELAK-1stUnit 8: Reading FluencyWords Per Minute (262-336)10

For this lesson, students will practice their reading fluency with 262-336 words per minute.

ELAK-1stUnit 9: Reading ComprehensionSeatbelts Means Safety (730L)10

For this lesson, students will read an passage and answer questions about what they read.

ELAK-1stUnit 11: Main IdeasMain Ideas (Short Passages)10

For this lesson, students will identify the main ideas of 10 short passages.

MathK-1stUnit 11: Graphs and ProbabilityLesson 10: Line Plots - Time to Climb10

In this K-2 math activity, students will practice analyzing line plots using Nearpod's interactive quiz game, Time to Climb.

Social Studies10thUnit 12: Civil Rights MovementLesson 10: Civil Rights and Liberties10

Today, Craig is going to give you an overview of civil rights and civil liberties. Often these terms are used interchangeably, but they are actually very different.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 9: MeasurementLesson 10: Metric Capacity10

In this lesson students will use metric units to identify and convert different capacities.

Math6th-7thUnit 8: Equations and InequalitiesLesson 10: Scavenger Hunt - Independent and Dependent Variables10

In this lesson students will be able to identify the independent and dependent variables. write and solve an equation.

Math7th-8thUnit 15: System of EquationsLesson 10: Elimination Maze10

In this lesson students will solve a system of equations using the elimination method to find their way through a maze.

ELA4th-5thUnit 8: CollaborationLesson 10: Rate Yourself10

For this lesson, students will reflect on how they collaborate.

ELA5th-6thUnit 8: CollaborationLesson 10: Rate Yourself10

For this lesson, students are going to reflect on how they collaborate.

ELA10thUnit 4: Multi-Genre WritingLesson 10: Choose Your Genre (LIVE)10

During this lesson, students will create a fictional story that is at least one full page.

Science9thUnit 4: Genetics and HeredityLesson 10: Dominant and Recessive10

For this lesson, students will review dominant and recessive traits.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 9: United States PresidentsLesson 10: Who Were They? Part II (LIVE)10

Students will explore what each President of the United States was known for and other background information.

Science10thUnit 11: Living WorldLesson 10: Ecosystem Ecology10

For this lesson, students will learn how organisms interact within ecosystems.

Social Studies11thUnit 6: MicroeconomicsLesson 10: Marginal Analysis (LIVE)10

During this lesson, students will learn how marginal analysis affects our decision making.

Social Studies12thUnit 8: Societal/Cultural InfluenceLesson 10: Social Interaction10

For this lesson, students will learn about different social interactions we experience in society.

Science6th-7thUnit 1: Digging Into EarthLesson 10: Rock Cycle Brochure Project10

For this lesson, students will create a brochure for the rock cycle.

Science11thUnit 9: Wave BasicsLesson 10: Physics of Music10

For this lesson, students will learn the science behind music.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 2: Explorers, Missions, and ColonizationLesson 10: Cabeza de Vaca(LIVE)10

Students discover more about early Texas explorers through a whole class reading comprehension excersice.

Math7th-8thUnit 9: Angles and TrianglesLesson 10: Constructing Triangles10

In this lesson students will be able to apply their knowledge of triangle angles and side lengths to construct triangles.

Social Studies6th-7thUnit 7: Middle AgesLesson 10: The Byzantine Empire10

In the fifth century CE, a new civilization emerged in the wake of the Roman Empire's collapse. In this lesson, students will learn about the Byzantine Empire. They will also consider the implications of the adoption of the theme system.

Science4th-5thUnit 4: Lunar CycleLesson 10: What if the Moon Disappeared?10

For this lesson, students will learn what will happen if the moon disappeared.

ELA7th-8thUnit 3: PoetryLesson 10: The Road Not Taken10

For this lesson, students will analyze the imagery and sensory words in a poem.

Social Studies12thUnit 9: History of SociologyLesson 10: Who Am I10

For this lesson, students will create a foldable review on the major names in sociology as a reference.

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