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SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Math6th-7thUnit 5: Rates and PercentsLesson 13: Percent Application Finding the Percent13

In this lesson students will be able to identify the percent in solving real-world problems.

Math7th-8thUnit 3: Rates and PercentsLesson 13: Percent Change (PRERECORDED)13

In this lesson students will be able to describe the percent of change by using a percent proportion formula. Students will also be able to identify the absolute and percent error.

Science10thUnit 6: HydrosphereOptional: Explore the Underwater World13

For this lesson, students can watch an episode of "Blue Planet" and learn more about the world under the sea.

Math9thUnit 5: Systems of Equations and InequalitiesLesson 13: Food Truck Park13

In this lesson students will work through problems to create a a food truck scene.

Social Studies9thUnit 4: African NationsLesson 13: Country Presentations (LIVE)13

During this lesson, students will present their research projects from lesson 12.

ELA4th-5thUnit 6: Types of EssaysLesson 13: Change13

For this lesson, students are going to write a personal narrative about a time in their past they would change.

ELA6th-7thUnit 1: ReviewLesson 13: Mayan Magic Practice13

For this lesson, students will answer questions about punctuation.

ELA9thUnit 1: Short StoriesLesson 13: Reflect Pages 9-13 (LIVE)13

During this lesson, students will reflect on pages 9-13 from The Most Dangerous Game.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 7: FractionsLesson 13: Decimals and Fractions on a Number Line13

In this lesson students will use number lines to see that there are numbers between whole numbers, 10x and one-tenth relationships.

ELA10thUnit 3: Argumentative EssaysLesson 13: Bibliography Practice13

For this lesson, students will practice writing their bibliography.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 4: Short StoriesLesson 13: Summarize Fiction (LIVE)13

During this lesson, students will learn how to summarize fictional stories.

Special Times of YearSpecialsBlack History MonthOlder: Jesse Owens13

Students will learn about the impact of Jesse Owens at the Olympics.

Science11thUnit 6: Newtons LawsLesson 13: Egg Drop Challenge13

For this fun challenge, students will design a contraption to protect their egg from a tall drop.

Social Studies11thUnit 5: Basic Concepts of EconomicsLesson 13: Studying Economics (LIVE)13

During this lesson, students will learn how economists study Economics.

ELA5th-6thUnit 8: Research and PresentLesson 13: Research Local Business13

For this lesson, students will research a local business to present in lesson 14 (LIVE).

ELA6th-7thUnit 3: Genre StudiesLesson 13: Identify the Genre of Writing13

For this lesson, students will match sentences with their corresponding genre.

Science6th-7thUnit 2: Elements and CompoundsLesson 13: Elements and Compounds Project13

For this lesson, students will choose a review project to complete.

Social Studies10thUnit 8: Civil WarLesson 10: Reconstruction-Crash Course13

In this Crash Course video, you will learn about the gains made by African-Americans in the years after the Civil War, and how they lost those gains almost immediately when Reconstruction stopped.

Science10thUnit 9: PollutionLesson 13: Light Pollution (Nat Geo)13

For this lesson, students will learn more about light pollution, with National Geographic.

Science4th-5thUnit 1: EcosystemsLesson 13: Biome Cootie Catcher13

For this lesson, students will create a cootie catcher to practice their biome vocabulary.

Math6th-7thUnit 7: ExpressionsLesson 13: Distributive Property (LIVE)13

In this lesson students will use the distributive property to simplify expressions

ELA4th-5thUnit 8: Research and PresentLesson 13: Research Local Business13

For this lesson, students will research a local business and answer questions about that business.

Math7th-8thUnit 7: Linear RelationshipsLesson 13: Proportional Relationships13

In this lesson students will learn how to identify proportional relationships from graphs, tables, and equations.

Math9thUnit 7: Factoring PolynomialsLesson 13: Factoring Polynomials Coloring Activity13

In this lesson students will practice factoring polynomials by completing a coloring activity.

Social Studies12thUnit 7: StressLesson 13: Mindfulness and Meditation13

For this lesson, students will learn how mindfulness and meditation can help your body.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 8: GeometryLesson 13: Triangle Attributes13

In this lesson students will describe the attribute of triangles.

ELA9thUnit 3: Gothic LiteratureLesson 13: Nevermore Academy13

For this lesson, students will explore how a scene can set the mood for a story.

ELA6th-7thUnit 4: Literary ElementsLesson 13: Self Reflection13

For this lesson, students will reflect on setting analyses 1-4.

Science9thUnit 5: Systems of Human BodyLesson 13: Digestive System (part 3)13

For this lesson, students will learn more about the digestive system with Crash Course.

MathK-1stUnit 6: Measurement and DataLesson 13: Caterpillar Comparing13

In this lesson students will be able to compare lengths using non-standard units of measure.

MathK-1stUnit 6: Measurement and DataLesson 13: Measuring with Standard Units13

In this lesson students will be able to determine the length of objects with a ruler to measure.

MathK-1stUnit 8: MoneyLesson 13: Find the Value13

In this lesson students will learn to identify the value of given coins.

MathK-1stUnit 10: Time and SeasonsLesson 13: Seasons and Weather13

In this lesson students will explore how weather changes by learning about the seasons.

MathK-1stUnit 11: Graphs and ProbabilityLesson 13: Reading Bar Graph Examples13

In this video from Khan Academy, students go through different bar graph examples and learn to read them.

Social Studies10thUnit 12: Civil Rights MovementLesson 13: Mary McLeod Bethune, Civil Rights Activist13

In this video by Biography, students learn how Mary McLeod Bethune started her education from a very poor family and eventually became an inspirational educator herself. They also learn about her work for women and African American people.

ELA11thUnit 4: PresentationsLesson 13: Presentation Plan13

For this lesson, students will learn more on how to develop a plan for their presentations.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 9: MeasurementLesson 13: Weight and Mass Conversions13

In this lesson students will practice converting between weight and mass units of measure

ELA10thUnit 4: Multi-Genre WritingLesson 13: Using Anti-Social Skills13

For this lesson, students will learn tips on writing dialogue.

Science9thUnit 4: Genetics and HeredityLesson 13: DNA and the Longest Word Ever13

For this lesson, students will review DNA and genetics.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 9: United States PresidentsLesson 13: Voting13

Voting is a cornerstone of US democracy and a highly valued civic duty for many. In this video, students learn about how voting determines who holds office, as well as the United States' history of expanding voting rights and of voter suppression.

Math6th-7thUnit 8: Equations and InequalitiesLesson 13: Intro to Inequalities (LIVE)13

In this lesson students will be able to solve one-step inequalities and graph the solution on a number line.

ELA4th-5thUnit 8: CollaborationLesson 13: Sharing Ideas for Tasks (LIVE)13

During this lesson, students will share their ideas for their tasks and get the group's views.

Science6th-7thUnit 1: Digging Into EarthLesson 13: Fun Mineral Facts13

For this lesson, students will cut and paste fun facts to match the minerals.

Social Studies12thUnit 8: Societal/Cultural InfluenceLesson 13: Prejudice and Discrimination13

For this lesson, students are going to learn more about prejudice and discrimination.

Social Studies11thUnit 6: MicroeconomicsLesson 13: What Influences Economies13

For this lesson, students will choose a location and analyze what influence its economy.

Science10thUnit 11: Living WorldLesson 13: Digging Deeper (Speciation)13

For this lesson, students are going to dig deeper with speciation and research.

Science11thUnit 9: Wave BasicsLesson 13: History of Light13

For this lesson, students will learn about the history of light.

ELA5th-6thUnit 8: CollaborationLesson 13: Sharing Ideas for Tasks (LIVE)13

During this lesson, students will share their ideas for their tasks and get the group's views.

ELA7th-8thUnit 3: PoetryLesson 13: Sound Devices (LIVE)13

During this lesson, students will learn about different sound devices that are used in poems.

Social Studies11thUnit 7: MacroeconomicsLesson 13: Economic Performance (LIVE)13

During this lesson, students will learn how economic performance is measured.

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