Lesson 5: Explore Square Number Facts (LIVE)

50 Minutes

Mrs. Ashlee Deduijtsche

Live Replay:
Watch Replay

LIVE Lesson -
Open the warm-up (WU5) while we wait for students to join. We will go over the warmup. You do not need to turn in the warmup.

Please have the Math Journal and Extra Practice (U4L5 Square Numbers MJ EP) printed or pulled up so you can follow along. We will go through the Google Slides and Math Journal together. You do not need to open the Google Slides for the LIVE Lesson.

Please follow the instructions below if you did not attend the LIVE Lesson.

Complete the Warmup (WU5). You do not need to turn this in. It is to get your brain in math mode.

Please open the Google Slides and follow along with the Math Journal (U4L5 Square Numbers MJ EP). You will complete the math journal and the extra practice and turn in both.

The Extra Practice is a 2 person game to practice your 2s table. You can play against yourself for extra, extra practice, or your parent, sibling, friend. You will see there are 2 game boards, if you are playing just you, you only need to use one game board.

You do not need to turn in the Google Slides, those are for you to go through.


Google Link