
Displaying 851 - 900 of 3,293

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 1: U.S. Symbols and CustomsLesson 3: U.S. Symbols - Picture Match3

In this Matching Pairs activity, students strengthen their understanding of United States Symbols, including presidents.

Science7th-8thUnit 1: Space StructuresLesson 3: Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Activity3

For this lesson, students will correct statements about the characteristics of stars.

Science7th-8thUnit 2: Space RaceLesson 3: Space Race Reading3

For this lesson, students will read about the space race and answer questions.

Science7th-8thUnit 4: Movement of EarthLesson 3: Plate Tectonics Revolution3

For this lesson, students will learn more about the history and revolution of plate tectonics.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 2: Cultures and CelebrationsLesson 3: The World's Family3

Students will be introduced to cultural differences around the world and taught to be respectful of them.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 1: PlantsLesson 3: Can Plants Live in Dark3

For this lesson, students will conduct an investigation to test if plants can live in the dark.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 2: AnimalsLesson 3: Animal Research3

For this investigation, students will research animals and answer questions.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 3: Life CyclesLesson 3: Diagram a Seed3

For this lesson, students will draw the parts of a seed.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 4: Food ChainsLesson 3: What is a Food Chain3

For this lesson, students will review food chains with Dr. Binocs.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 1: Decoding WordsLesson 3: All of the Vowels3

For this lesson, students will review the different sounds the vowels make.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 2: Parts of SpeechLesson 3: Plural Nouns3

For this lesson, students will learn about plural nouns.

Science10thUnit 1: Intro to Earth ScienceLesson 3: Earth Science Careers (LIVE)3

During this lesson, students will explore a career in Earth Science with the teacher example.

Science10thUnit 2: History of EarthLesson 3: What IF You Lived in Paleozoic Eon3

For this lesson, students will explore what would happen if they lived in the Paleozoic Eon.

ELA6th-7thUnit 2: Figurative LanguageLesson 3: Hyperbole3

For this lesson, students will learn more about hyperboles.

Social Studies6th-7thUnit 1: Civilization, Maps, and GeographyLesson 3: Visible Features of Today's Civilization3

Students will write down instances and specifics of the eight features of civilization they see today.

ELA7th-8thUnit 1: CommunicationLesson 3: Communication Interests3

For this lesson, students will share their likes and dislikes on topics to talk about.

ELA9thUnit 2: Nonfiction ReadingLesson 3: Analyze Part I (LIVE)3

During this lesson, students will analyze Part I of Unbroken.

ELA7th-8thUnit 2: Novel StudiesLesson 3: Predict and Visualize3

For this lesson, students will makes predictions, visualize scenes, and ask questions.

Social Studies6th-7thUnit 2: Early WorldLesson 3: Hammurabi's Code3

Hammurabi established one of the earliest legal systems. In this one-minute video, students learn about Hammurabi's code. A host describes the system and its influence, and students consider its relevance to the present.

Math11thUnit 1: Foundations of Algebra IILesson 3: Multi-Step Equations Maze3

In this lesson, students will complete a maze by solving multi-step equations.

Math11thUnit 2: Foundations of FunctionsLesson 3: Boom Cards3

In this activity, students will determine if a relation is a function when shown on a graph or table and evaluate functions in function notation.

Math12thUnit 1: One Variable DataLesson 3: Are Cookies Dangerous?3

In this activity, students will begin to think about statistics and the types of questions that can be asked.

Science7th-8thUnit 5: Water CycleLesson 3: What is the Water Cycle3

For this lesson, students will review the basics of the water cycle.

Social Studies9thUnit 1: U.S. and CanadaLesson 3: What is Geography3

In this video from Crash Course, students learn about the scope of geography as a discipline with the help of a factoid of a banana plantation in Guatemala. They also learn about space, place, and human-environment interaction.

Science9thUnit 1: What Is BiologyLesson 3: Why Study Biology3

For this lesson, students will learn why it's important to study biology.

Science11thUnit 1: AtomsLesson 3: How Small is an Atom3

For this lesson, students will learn the size of an atom.

Science11thUnit 2: Periodic TableLesson 3: The Periodic Table (Video)3

For this lesson, students will learn more about the periodic table.

Art (beginner)SpecialsDrawing for BeginnersLesson 3: 3D Shapes (LIVE)3

During this lesson, students will practice drawing 3D shapes.

Art (advanced)SpecialsDrawing for AdvancedLesson 3: Still Life (LIVE)3

During this lesson, students will practice drawing still life, focusing on the elements of shadows, position, depth, and perspective.

Social Studies10thUnit 1: Global InteractionsLesson 3: The Silk Road3

For this lesson, students will learn about the impact of the Silk Road.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 8: Reading Fluency IndependentStan the Lonely Snake (540L)3

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 9: Reading Comprehension IndependentShading With Lines (620L)3

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency.

Times of YearSpecialsAutumn DaysPatriot Day Wordsearch3

For this lesson, students will complete a wordsearch related to Patriot Day (9/11).

Social Studies10thUnit 2: Industrial Revolution and ImperialismLesson 3: Industrial Revolution with Nearpod3

For this lesson, students will watch a short overview of the Industrial Revolution with a video from Nearpod.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 5: Earth ResourcesLesson 3: My Reports3

For this lesson, students will write reports on water and rock.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 3: Reading ComprehensionLesson 3: Author's Purpose3

For this lesson, students will learn about author's purpose.

ELA9thUnit 4: Classic NovelsLesson 3: Why Read Lord of the Flies3

For this lesson, students will learn why reading Lord of the Flies is beneficial.

MathK-1stUnit 1: Numbers and CountingLesson 4: Counting to 20: Part 14

In this lesson, students will practice counting out objects equal to a number 10-20 in a drag and drop activity.

Math7th-8thUnit 1: Rational Number OperationsLesson 4: Check your Understanding4

Students will check their understanding of addition and subtraction of rational numbers using Nearpod.

Math7th-8thUnit 2: Real Number SystemLesson 4: Rational vs Irrational Numbers4

In the lesson students will be able to classify and provide examples of rational and irrational numbers.

Math9thUnit 2: Equations and InequalitiesLesson 4: Practice Solving Basic Equations4

Two examples followed by 10 practice problems of solving basic equations.

ELAK-1stUnit 1: Letters and SoundsK - Letters Kk Ll Mm and Nn4

This lesson teaches students to recognize letters of the alphabet. Students will learn and practice saying and writing the target letters "k", "l", "m", and "n".

ELAK-1stUnit 4: Short VowelsK - Lesson 4: Short vowel Oo4

This lesson teaches students how to recognize the short vowel “o”. Students will learn different word combinations using the target vowel and practice writing short words.

Math4th-5thUnit 1: Place ValueLesson 4: Round Decimals4

In this lesson students will be able to explore and practice rounding multi-digit numbers to different place values while learning the reasoning why we choose to round in math.

Math6th-7thUnit 1: Decimal OperationsLesson 4: Dividing Decimals4

In this lesson students will be able to divide multi-digit decimals.

Math9thUnit 1: Algebra FoundationsLesson 4: Exponent Rules (LIVE)4

In this lesson on properties of exponents, students explore the product rule, quotient rule, power rule, zero rule, and one rules related to exponents.

Math6th-7thUnit 2: Fraction OperationsLesson 4: Multiplying Fractions4

In this lesson students will be able to multiply fractions and mixed numbers using models and the traditional algorithm by applying the rules of fraction operations.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 7: Scientific MethodLesson 4: Vinegar and Baking Soda4

During this Nearpod lesson about the scientific method, you are going to watch a demonstration with some household items and see how they interact! Professor Labcoat is back and going to show us what happens when vinegar and baking soda are mixed together.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 8: MatterLesson 4: What is Matter4

start off by watching a short YouTube video explaining matter further. Then, practicing your knowledge on the "What is Matter?" worksheet.

Science4th-5thUnit 5: Patterns on EarthLesson 4: Causes of Seasons4

Students, in this lesson, with watch a video on Nearpod about the seasons. They will also answer questions during the video.

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description