
Displaying 901 - 950 of 3,293

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Science4th-5thUnit 8: Inherited Traits and Learned BehaviorsLesson 4: Inherited and Learned Traits Video4

In this lesson, student will watch the video inherited and learned behaviors on Nearpod, then answer questions.

Science6th-7thUnit 6: Motion and ForcesLesson 4: Attraction and Forces Video4

For this lesson, students will watch a video by Science Max on Nearpod.

Science6th-7thUnit 5: Catastrophic EventsLesson 4: Emergency Preparedness Plan Cont.4

For this lesson, students will finish their emergency preparedness lessons from the previous asynchronous assignments.

Science11thUnit 2: Periodic TableLesson 4: Periodic Personalities (LIVE)4

During this lesson, students will explore the different personalities of the periodic families/groups.

Science11thUnit 3: BondingLesson 4: Ionic Covalent Bonding Practice4

For this lesson, students are going to finished the Ionic Covalent Bonding Practice worksheet that we started in the previous LIVE lesson.

Science7th-8thUnit 3: Layers of EarthLesson 4: Depths of Earth Comparison Video4

For this lesson, students are going to learn how deep the Earth really is, by comparing things around the world.

ELA5th-6thUnit 1: Grammar Galore - Eight Parts of SpeechLesson 4: Action and Linking Verbs4

In this lesson, students review action and linking verbs and check their understanding by choosing if the verb is action or linking.

Social Studies12thUnit 2: Influencing BehaviorLesson 2: Story of Present4

For this lesson, students will reflect on their strengths in present time and how they help them evolve.

Social Studies11thUnit 1: Origins and Principles of US GovernmentLesson 4: Seven Principles Video4

For this lesson, students will learn more about the seven principles of the US Constitution.

ELA7th-8thDelete: The Grammar SeriesLesson 4: Relative Pronouns4

In this activity, students will practice differentiating between various relative pronouns.

ELAK-1stUnit 2: Parts of SpeechGet Into Grammar Singular or Plural Nouns4

In this lesson, students develop their grammar skills by identifying words that are singular or plural.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 1: Place ValueLesson 4: Compose Numbers4

In this lesson students will be able to represent numbers using base ten blocks in multiple wats.

Social Studies10thUnit 3: World War ILesson 4: WWI Continued - Oversimplified4

For this video, students will recap on the turning points of the war, the switch in allies, and the ending of WWI.

Math10thUnit 1: Fundamentals and Tools of GeometryLesson 4-Solving Linear Equations: 9-124

In this math skill-based practice lesson, students strengthen their understanding of equations by completing a challenge matching a set of equations with the correct solving strategy.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 5: Styles of GovernmentLesson 4: Comparing Governments4

For this lesson, students will watch a simplified video comparing three major types of governments.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 8: U.S. Political and Economic RegionsLesson 4: State Capitals Songs4

For this lesson, students can learn the state capitals by learning one of these two songs (the choice is theirs).

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 6: CitizenshipLesson 4: Citizenship Practice4

For this lesson, students will think about how they can be good citizens in different settings.

Life SkillsHealth and BodyLesson 4: What Causes Body Odor4

During this lesson, students will learn what causes body odor.

Life SkillsOther SkillsLesson 4: A Week is Seven Days4

In this lesson, students will learn about the days of the week.

Life Skills3rd-4thHealth and BodyLesson 4: Why Do We Drink Water4

In this lesson, students will learn why we need to drink water and the benefits it has on our bodies.

Life Skills3rd-4thElectivesLesson 4: Quarter, Half, and Whole Notes4

During this lesson, students will learn the quarter, half, and whole notes in music.

Life Skills5th-6thHealth and BodyLesson 4: Why Do We Get Pimples4

During this lesson, students will learn why our bodies get pimples.

Life Skills5th-6thOther SkillsLesson 4: Digital Citizenship Student Project4

In this lesson, students will learn about digital citizenship from a students own video project.

Life Skills7th-8thHealth and BodyLesson 4: FLO Mindfulness and Meditation4

During this Flocabulary lesson, students will learn about mindfulness and meditation with a fun song.

Life Skills7th-8thRelationships and CharacterLesson 4: How Friendship Affects Your Brain4

During this lesson, students will learn about the benefits of friendship and how it affects your brain.

Life Skills7th-8thOther SkillsLesson 4: Bias and Stereotypes4

In this lesson, students will learn about stereotypes and biases in writing and thinking,

Life Skills7th-8thElectivesLesson 4: What is Abstract Art4

During this short lesson, students will learn about abstract art.

Life Skills9th-10thHealth and BodyLesson 4: Why Can't You Wake Up Early4

During this lesson, students will learn why it's sometimes difficult for them to wake up early in the morning.

Life Skills9th-10thRelationships and CharacterLesson 4: 4 Things All Great Listeners Know4

During this lesson, students will learn some techniques that all great listeners use.

Life Skills9th-10thTechnology and Study SkillsLesson 4: Can Procrastination Be a Good Thing4

During this lesson, students will explore if procrastination is always a bad thing, or can it be good sometimes.

Life Skills9th-10thElectivesLesson 4: How to Read Music4

In this lesson, students will learn about how to read music.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 1: Get Into GrammarLesson 4: Sentence Basics4

In this lesson, students learn how to identify parts of a sentence.

ELA9th-10thUnit 1: Grammar RefresherLesson 4: Grammar Basics4

In this lesson, students reinforce their understanding of the basics of grammar.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 7: Government StructureLesson 4: My Government Officials4

For this lesson, students will choose what characteristics they want in their government leaders.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 4: 13 ColoniesLesson 4: Colony Region Sketch4

For this lesson, students will work on their spatial thinking and sketch a colonial region.

Social Studies9thUnit 2: Latin American NationsLesson 4: South America Map4

For this lesson, students will identify the location of the South American countries.

ELA10thUnit 1: General WritingLesson 4: The Writing Process4

For this lesson, the students will briefly review the writing process.

ELA11thUnit 1: General CommunicationLesson 4: Good vs Bad Presentations4

For this lesson, students are going to see the difference between a bad presentation and a good presentation, and how the slightest things can effective a lot.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 2: Sentence StructureLesson 5: Reading Skills4

In this lesson, students read an informational text and answer comprehension questions.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 2: Sentence StructureLesson 4: What Kind of Sentence4

In this lesson, students practice identifying whether each group of words is a fragment, a run-on, or a complete sentence.

ELA5th-6thUnit 2: Sentence StructureLesson 4: Let's Practice4

In this lesson, students practice identifying sentence types.

ELA7th-8thDelete: Sentence Types and StructureLesson 4: ReadWorks4

In this lesson, students learn how to make connections with the text in order to identify key details and understand the text more deeply.

ELA9th-10thUnit 2: Non-Fiction - Close ReadingLesson 4: Using Textual Evidence4

In this lesson, students practice using textual evidence by identifying evidence from the text to support a thesis.

MathK-1stUnit 3: Place ValueLesson 4: Place Value Advanced4

In this lesson, students will practice identifying values using base 10 blocks through the thousands place.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 3: Reading ComprehensionLesson 4: Comprehension Check4

In this lesson, students practice comprehension skills and answer comprehension questions about the main idea and key details.

ELA3rd-4thCursive Writing PracticeCursive Letter D4

Cursive writing practice for letter D/d.

ELA5th-6thUnit 3: Reading ComprehensionLesson 4: Main Idea4

In this lesson, students identify the main idea and supporting details of a non-fiction text.

ELA7th-8thDelete: Reading ComprehensionLesson 4: Comprehension Check4

In this lesson, students practice comprehension skills and answer comprehension questions about the main idea and key details.

ELAK-1stUnit 6: Word FamiliesWord Family -ug4

In this Kindergarten lesson about word families, students learn about the -ug family, practicing with words like "bug" and "rug." They practice orally and in writing using Lalilo's playful interactives and Nearpod activities such as Draw It.

ELA9th-10thUnit 3: Informational TextsLesson 4: Time to Climb Informational Text Structure4

In this lesson, students examine characteristics and structural elements of informational text.

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description