
Displaying 1,801 - 1,850 of 3,293

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Math7th-8thUnit 9: Angles and TrianglesLesson 7: Angle Relationships in Triangles (PRERECORDED)7

In this lesson students will be able to name and describe the angles within a triangle.

MathK-1stUnit 5: GeometryLesson 7: Symmetry7

In this lesson students will be able to locate and describe objects that have symmetry

ELA11thUnit 5: Argumentative and PersuasiveLesson 7: How to Argue7

For this lesson, students will learn more on what we need to change to be able to argue.

Math7th-8thUnit 10: Angle RelationshipsLesson 7: Exterior Triangle Angles7

In this lesson, students will use facts about the exterior angles of triangles to solve problems.

Math9thUnit 8: QuadraticsLesson 7: Completing the Square (LIVE)7

In this lesson students will Be able to solve quadratics by completing the square by rewriting the equation.

Science4th-5thUnit 4: Lunar CycleLesson 7: Phase of Moon Coloring7

For this lesson, students will answer questions and color a picture.

Social Studies12thUnit 9: History of SociologyLesson 7: Sociology Research Methods7

For this lesson, students will learn different methods on how sociologists study the field of sociology.

Social Studies11thUnit 7: MacroeconomicsLesson 7: Economic Systems (LIVE)7

During this lesson, students will learn more about the major economic systems.

ELA4th-5thUnit 5: Once Upon a TimeLesson 7: Who Was Sigmund Freud7

For this lesson, students will learn more about the life of Sigmund Freud.

Math10thUnit 11: Volume and Surface AreaLesson 7: Surface Area and Volume of Prisms (LIVE)7

In this lesson students will be able to describe a prism and its properties and determine the Surface Area and Volume of different types of prisms.

Math6th-7thUnit 9: Area and Plane GeometryLesson 7: Area of Composite Figures Part 27

In this lesson students will be able to determine the area of composite figures by applying their knowledge of other figures.

Science9thUnit 7: EcosystemsLesson 7: Relationships7

For this lesson, students will learn the different relationships between organisms.

ELA10thUnit 5: Creative WritingLesson 7: How to Show Not Tell (LIVE)7

For this lesson, students will watch a video and discuss how showing instead of telling improves writing.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 10: Technological GrowthLesson 7: 25 Most Impactful American Inventions II7

Students will pick a different invention from the one they used in lesson 4 and research important details about it.

Math4th-5thUnit 2: DecimalsLesson 7: Equivalent Decimals Part 27

In this lesson students will complete a Nearpod about equivalent decimals.

ELA7th-8thUnit 4: Writing PoetryLesson 7: Write Your Own Acrostic Poem7

For this lesson, students will write their own acrostic poem.

Science4th-5thUnit 3: Water CycleLesson 7: Water Fight7

For this lesson, students will learn how humans are struggling with finding fresh water.

Science6th-7thUnit 3: Metals and NonmetalsLesson 7: What Are They7

For this lesson, students will look at examples of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 6: Creative WritingLesson 7: Third Random Picture Writing7

For this lesson, students will choose a picture to write a creative story about.

Science10thUnit 8: AtmosphereLesson 7: El Nino and La Nina7

For this lesson, students will take a closer look at what causes El Nino and La Nina.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 1: European RenaissanceLesson 7: The Renaissance Project7

Students will turn in final project to this lesson. Up to 500 extra Bull Bucks will be awarded for obvious effort.

Social Studies12thUnit 11: Contemporary AdolescentsLesson 7: Dangers of Mixing Drugs7

For this lesson, students will learn the dangers of mixing drugs and/or alcohol.

Math6th-7thUnit 13: Data and StatisticsLesson 7: Solve and Color7

In this lesson students will apply their knowledge of the measures of variability.

ELA4th-5thUnit 1: Parts of SpeechLesson 7: Parts of Speech Knowledge Check7

For this lesson, students will answer questions about parts of speech to check their knowledge.

ELA4th-5thUnit 1: Parts of SpeechLesson 8: Parts of Speech Foldable7

For this lesson, students will create a foldable to study parts of speech.

ELA4th-5thUnit 2: Types of SentencesLesson 7: Spin a Sentence7

For this lesson, students are going to create sentences depending on what they spin on they worksheet spinner.

Science7th-8thUnit 1: Space StructuresLesson 7: Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin7

For this lesson, students will learn about one of the most influential women in astronomy.

Science7th-8thUnit 2: Space RaceLesson 7: Space Race Review (LIVE)7

For this lesson, students will play games to review what they learned about the space race.

Science7th-8thUnit 4: Movement of EarthLesson 7: Continents Colliding7

For this lesson, students will explore if the continents are going to collide.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 1: PlantsLesson 7: Plants and Animals7

For this lesson, students will describe how plants rely on animals.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 2: AnimalsLesson 7: Animals and Plants7

For this lesson, students will describe how animals depend on plants to survive.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 3: Life CyclesLesson 7: Life Cycles of Animals7

For this lesson, students will describe different ways animals are born.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 4: Food ChainsLesson 7: Fabulous Food Chains7

For this lesson, students will review food chains with Crash Course Kids.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 1: Decoding WordsLesson 7: Long and Short Vowels7

For this lesson, students will review the long and short sounds vowels make.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 2: Parts of SpeechLesson 7: Verbs (Video)7

For this lesson, students will learn more about verbs.

Science10thUnit 2: History of EarthLesson 7: What IF We Brought Back Dinosaurs7

For this lesson, students will explore what would happen if we brought back dinosaurs.

ELA6th-7thUnit 2: Figurative LanguageLesson 7: Adventure Awaits - Word Choice7

For this lesson, students will read a passage and identify how word choice affects the writing.

ELA7th-8thUnit 1: CommunicationLesson 7: Master Public Speaking7

For this lesson, students will learn skills to master public speaking.

ELA9thUnit 2: Nonfiction ReadingLesson 7: Read Part III7

For this lesson, students will read Part III (chapter 12-17) of Unbroken.

ELA7th-8thUnit 2: Novel StudiesLesson 7: Connect and Question7

For this lesson, students will make connections, ask questions, and analyze the text.

Math11thUnit 1: Foundations of Algebra IILesson 7: Foundations of Algebra 2 - Quiz7

In this lesson, students will check their understanding.

Math11thUnit 2: Foundations of FunctionsLesson 7: Transformations of Functions Part 1 (LIVE)7

In this lesson, students will be able to identify how the function moves on a coordinate plane.

Science7th-8thUnit 5: Water CycleLesson 7: Water Cycle Diagram7

For this lesson, students will label the water cycle diagram.

Math12thUnit 1: One Variable DataLesson 7: Frequency Tables and Histographs7

In this lesson, students will be able to represent quantitative data in a frequency table and histogram.

Social Studies9thUnit 1: U.S. and CanadaLesson 7: Canada(LIVE)7

Students will explore several aspects of Canada to include geological, economic, cultural, and historical features

Science9thUnit 1: What Is BiologyLesson 7: Knowledge Check7

For this lesson, students will check what they learned about the basics in biology.

Science11thUnit 1: AtomsLesson 7: Atom and Elements Reading7

For this lesson, students will read about atoms and elements, then summarize the passages.

Social Studies10thUnit 1: Global InteractionsLesson 7: Exploration and Discovery7

For this lesson, students will research and describe explorations between continents.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 8: Reading Fluency IndependentDetective Melon (670L)7

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 9: Reading Comprehension IndependentCrayons in the Stone Age (700L)7

This is an independent lesson to practice reading fluency.

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description