
Displaying 251 - 300 of 3,293

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Social Studies11thUnit 7: MacroeconomicsLesson 1: Business Organizations (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn the different types of business organizations.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 10: Technological GrowthLesson 1: The Big Change(LIVE)1

Students will explore the major changes in the American economy from Agricultural to Industrial to Technological.

ELA4th-5thUnit 5: Once Upon a TimeLesson 1: Edgar Allan Poe (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will explore a writer whom many call the father of the Detective story.

Math6th-7thUnit 11: VolumeLesson 1: Volume of Rectangular Prisms (LIVE)1

In this lesson students will learn what volume is and how to find the volume of 3D figures using a formula.

ELA10thUnit 5: Creative WritingLesson 1: Intro to Creative Writing (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will recap elements of writing a story and learn what creative writing means.

Science9thUnit 7: EcosystemsLesson 1: Energy Flow (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn how energy transfers between organisms.

Social Studies10thUnit 9: Migration and ImmigrationLesson 1: History of the American Population (LIVE)1

Students explore where and how the American population came from.

Math6th-7thUnit 13: Data and StatisticsLesson 1: Intro to Statistical Questions and Data (LIVE)1

In this lesson students will be able to see how data can be collected and analyzed.

Math9thUnit 9: Exponential FunctionsLesson 1: Exponential Functions (LIVE)1

In this lesson students will be able to identify the characteristics of exponential functions

Math10thUnit 9: TransformationsLesson 1: Transformations (LIVE)1

In this lesson students will be able to identify the different attributes of each transformation from an image.

ELA7th-8thUnit 4: Writing PoetryLesson 1: Bio and Haiku Poems (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn how to write bio and haiku poems.

Science4th-5thUnit 3: Water CycleLesson 1: Properties of Water (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn the different properties of water.

Science6th-7thUnit 3: Metals and NonmetalsLesson 1: Metals and Nonmetals (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn the differences between metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.

Social Studies4th-5thUnit 2: Explorers, Missions, and ColonizationLesson 1: Exploring The Unknown(LIVE)1

Students will understand why the beginning steps of European explorers were taken.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 4: U.S. GovernmentLesson 1: Early American Government (LIVE)1

In this lesson on early American government, students learn about the founding documents of the United States Government. Slides 1-15 completed, remainder will be completed in lesson 4.

Math7th-8thUnit 11: Pythagorean TheoremLesson 1: The Pythagorean Theorem (LIVE)1

In this lesson students will be able to apply the Pythagorean theorem to find missing side lengths of a right triangle.

Math4th-5thUnit 12: Financial LiteracyLesson 1: Financial Literacy (LIVE)1

In this lesson students will be introduced to financial literacy, they will be able to distinguish between financial needs and wants.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 6: Creative WritingLesson 1: Squiggle Stories (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will create a picture and story, starting from a squiggly line.

Science10thUnit 8: AtmosphereLesson 1: Atmospheric Levels (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about the different levels of the Earth's atmosphere.

Social Studies12thUnit 10: US Cultures and SubculturesLesson 1: Cultures and Subcultures (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about many cultures and subcultures found throughout America.

Special Times of YearSpecialsSummer ChallengesELA Challenges (Reading, Writing, Communication)1

Students can participate in three different ELA challenges throughout the summer: Reading, Writing, and Communication.

Social Studies12thUnit 11: Contemporary AdolescentsLesson 1: Struggles with Teens (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about adolescent struggles with dating, relationships, impulse control, drugs, and alcohol.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 1: Decoding WordsLesson 1: Decoding Flashcards (LIVE)1

For this lesson, students will learn strategies on how to decode words, with a focus on vowels.

ELA4th-5thUnit 1: Parts of SpeechLesson 1: Fun Libs (LIVE)1

For this lesson, students will use different parts of speech to fill in Fun Libs.

ELA4th-5thUnit 2: Types of SentencesLesson 1: Types of Sentences (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about the four different types of sentences.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 1: U.S. Symbols and CustomsLesson 1: Major Symbols in the U.S. (LIVE)1

In this lesson, students will explore different symbols of the United States and what they symbolize. They will explore three landmarks that are symbolic in the United States, and identify commonalities between them.

Science7th-8thUnit 1: Space StructuresLesson 1: Characteristics of Stars (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn how stars are chatagorized.

Science7th-8thUnit 2: Space RaceLesson 1: The Race to Space (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about two countries and their race to space.

Science7th-8thUnit 4: Movement of EarthLesson 1: Plate Tectonics (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn the theory of plate tectonics.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 2: Cultures and CelebrationsLesson 1: What is Culture? (LIVE)1

Students will explore what is and what makes up culture then begin exploring their own culture.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 1: PlantsLesson 1: Plant Needs (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn what plants need to survive.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 2: AnimalsLesson 1: Animal Needs (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn the basic needs of animals in order to survive.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 3: Life CyclesLesson 1: Plant Life Cycles (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn the life cycles of plants.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 4: Food ChainsLesson 1: What Are Food Chains (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about food chains.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 2: Parts of SpeechLesson 1: Nouns (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about nouns.

Math4th-5thUnit 3: Whole Number OperationsLesson 1: Adding Whole Numbers (LIVE)1

In this lesson, students will add whole numbers using the standard algorithm and strategies.

Science10thUnit 1: Intro to Earth ScienceLesson 1: What is Earth Science1

During this lesson, students will learn an overview of the field of Earth Science.

Science10thUnit 2: History of EarthLesson 1: Archean - Paleozoic Eons (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about the Archean, Proterozoic, and Paleozoic Eons of Earth's history.

ELA6th-7thUnit 2: Figurative LanguageLesson 1: Figures of Speech (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about different figures of speech.

Social Studies6th-7thUnit 1: Civilization, Maps, and GeographyLesson 1: Eight Features of Civilizations (LIVE)1

Students will be introduced to how civilizations came about and the eight common features.

ELA7th-8thUnit 1: CommunicationLesson 1: Importance of Communication (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn why communication skills are important in life.

ELA9thUnit 2: Nonfiction ReadingLesson 1: Intro to Unbroken (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will discuss and overview of the Unbroken unit study.

ELA7th-8thUnit 2: Novel StudiesLesson 1: Intro to Touching Spirit Bear (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will be introduced to Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen.

Social Studies6th-7thUnit 2: Early WorldLesson 1: Early Mesopotamia (LIVE)1

In this lesson, students will learn about why cities floruished on early Mesopotamia and the various contributions made by its civilizations

Math11thUnit 1: Foundations of Algebra IILesson 1: Simplify Algebraic Expressions (LIVE)1

In this lesson, students will be simplifying and evaluating algebraic expressions.

Math11thUnit 2: Foundations of FunctionsLesson 1: Functions, Domain and Range (LIVE)1

In this lesson, students will determine the domain and range of a given relation and whether it is a function.

Math12thUnit 1: One Variable DataLesson 1: First Day Placemat (LIVE)1

In this activity, students will fill out a get to know me placemat that will help the teacher during the LIVE lessons.

Science7th-8thUnit 5: Water CycleLesson 1: Water Around World (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about water around the world.

Social Studies9thUnit 1: U.S. and CanadaLesson 1: Introduction to World Geography(LIVE)1

Students will be intruduced to the many aspects of World Geography.

Science9thUnit 1: What Is BiologyLesson 1: Intro to Biology (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about the basics of biology.

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description