
Displaying 301 - 350 of 3,293

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description
Science11thUnit 1: AtomsLesson 1: Parts of an Atom (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will break down the atom and learn the different parts.

Art (beginner)SpecialsDrawing for BeginnersLesson 1: Lines and Dots (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about the relationship be dots and lines in drawing.

Art (advanced)SpecialsDrawing for AdvancedLesson 1: Blind Drawing (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will blindly (eyes closed or blindfold) draw an object.

Game DaySpecialsGAME DAY FRIDAYTime For Some Fun!1

During this class, students will have fun play a variety of games and interacting with other students.

Social Studies10thUnit 1: Global InteractionsLesson 1: Global Interaction Activity (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will work choose a region in the world to create a country.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 8: Reading Fluency IndependentReading Fluency Instructions (Parent Reference)1

These are the parent instructions for the reading fluency lessons.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 9: Reading Comprehension IndependentSad Saturdays (527L)1

This is an independent lesson to practice reading comprehension.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 10: Journaling IndependentFREE WRITE1

This is an independent journaling lesson to help students practice writing.

Times of YearSpecialsAutumn DaysPatriot Day1

For this lesson, students will briefly learn about the events of September 11th, 2001.

Life SkillsSpecialsUnit 1: Household ChoresCleaning Surfaces (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn the proper way to clean surfaces around the home.

Social Studies10thUnit 2: Industrial Revolution and ImperialismLesson 1: Beginning of Industrial Revolution (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about the start of the Industrial Revolution.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 5: Earth ResourcesLesson 1: Surface of Earth (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn about different resources humans use on Earth.

ELA2nd-3rdUnit 3: Reading ComprehensionLesson 1: Comprehension Strategies (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will learn skills to improve their reading comprehension.

ELA9thUnit 4: Classic NovelsLesson 1: Intro to Lord of the Flies (LIVE)1

During this lesson, students will have discussions about statements to get them thinking about The Lord of the Flies.

MathK-1stUnit 1: Numbers and CountingLesson 2: Counting to 202

In this lesson, students will learn how to count to 20 by learning the numbers from 11 to 20.

Math7th-8thUnit 1: Rational Number OperationsLesson 2: Adding and Subtracting Integers2

In this lesson students will be adding and subtracting integers using a number line. They will also learn about the additive inverse to subtract integers.

Math7th-8thUnit 2: Real Number SystemLesson 2: Square Roots2

In the lessons students will be able to evaluate the square and square root of a number and simplify expressions with square roots.

ELAK-1stUnit 1: Letters and SoundsK - Letters Dd Ee and Ff2

This lesson teaches students to recognize letters of the alphabet. Students will learn and practice saying and writing the target letters "d", "e", and "f".

ELAK-1stUnit 4: Short VowelsK - Lesson 2: Short vowel Ee2

This lesson teaches students how to recognize the short vowel “e”. Students will learn different word combinations using the target vowel and practice writing short words.

Math4th-5thUnit 1: Place ValueLesson 2: Compare and Order Decimals2

In this math lesson, students learn how to read, write, and compare decimal numbers. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to read, write, and compare multi-digit decimal values. using , up to the thousandth place.

ELAK-1stUnit 5: DigraphsDigraphs ph, th, and wh2

In this lesson, students learn different combinations of double consonants and practice writing short words that use these blends.

Math6th-7thUnit 1: Decimal OperationsLesson 2: Multiplying Decimals2

In this lesson students will be able to multiply multi-digit decimals.

Math9thUnit 1: Algebra FoundationsLesson 2: Combining Like Terms (LIVE)2

In this lesson about combining like terms, students learn how to add linear expressions by examining like terms.

Math9thUnit 2: Equations and InequalitiesLesson 2: Algebra Basics: Solving Equations Part 1 (LIVE)2

In this grades 6-12 video mini-lesson, students watch a video about solving basic equations using addition and subtraction after they review key vocabulary and background knowledge. Then, they practice solving and checking the given equations.

Math6th-7thUnit 2: Fraction OperationsLesson 2: Adding and Subtracting Fractions Part 12

In this lesson students will be able to add and subtract fractions by identifying the least common denominator and regrouping mixed numbers.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 7: Scientific MethodLesson 2: Colors of Rainbow2

During this Nearpod lesson about the scientific method, you are going to watch a video about the colors of the rainbow! Professor Labcoat is going to show us how the different colors are created.

Science2nd-3rdUnit 8: MatterLesson 2: Matter Video2

In this lesson, you will watch a Nearpod video on what is matter!

ELAK-1stUnit 3: Sight WordsIdentifying Sight Words2

In this lesson on sight words, students practice identifying, reading, and writing the sight words: before, found, goes, right, these.

ELAK-1stUnit 2: Parts of SpeechAdjectives and Real-Life Connections2

In this lesson, students identify adjectives and use them in their writing.

Science4th-5thUnit 5: Patterns on EarthLesson 2: Day and Night2

In this lesson, you will watch a short Nearpod video and answer questions.

Science4th-5thUnit 8: Inherited Traits and Learned BehaviorsLesson 2: Who Am I?2

During this lesson, students will choose an animal and write down 3 inherited and 3 learned traits about an animal.

Science6th-7thUnit 6: Motion and ForcesLesson 2: Map Your Walk2

Time to get moving! For this lesson, students will print out the worksheet, go for a walk, and map out their walk when finished.

ELA3rd-4thUnit 1: Get Into GrammarLesson 2: Parts of Speech Sketch Notes2

In this lesson, students define different parts of speech and give examples to show their understanding.

Science6th-7thUnit 5: Catastrophic EventsLesson 2: Emergency Preparedness Plan2

For this lesson, students will create an emergency plan for the first four events that were discussed in their notes.

Science11thUnit 2: Periodic TableLesson 2: Organize Period Table2

For this lesson, students will color code the period table to make it more organized.

Science11thUnit 3: BondingLesson 2: Ionic Bonding Practice2

For this lesson, students will practice ionic bonding by combining cations and anions.

Science7th-8thUnit 3: Layers of EarthLesson 2: Layers of Earth Detailed Video2

For this lesson, students will watch the video on Nearpod, explaining the Earth's layers in detail.

ELA5th-6thUnit 1: Grammar Galore - Eight Parts of SpeechLesson 2: Parts Of Speech2

In this lesson, students practice identifying and classifying parts of speech.

Social Studies11thUnit 1: Origins and Principles of US GovernmentLesson 2: Articles of Confederation2

For this lesson, students will watch the video to learn more about the Articles of Confederation.

ELA7th-8thDelete: The Grammar SeriesLesson 2: Commas and Coordinating Conjunctions2

In this activity, students will practice coordinating conjunctions after the comma in a sentence.

ELA9th-10thUnit 1: Grammar RefresherLesson 2 Parts of Speech Practice2

In this lesson, students practice identifying words in a sentence by the part of speech.

Math2nd-3rdUnit 1: Place ValueLesson 2: Let's Talk Place Value2

Students will identify the place value of numbers through the millions.

Social Studies10thUnit 3: World War ILesson 2: Beginning of WWI - Oversimplified2

For this lesson, students will watch a Nearpod video about the first part of WWI.

Math10thUnit 1: Fundamentals and Tools of GeometryLesson 2-Solve an Equation with variables on both sides2

In this grades 9-12 Drag & Drop activity, students will drag vocabulary words into the correct sentence to explain the steps of solving equations.

Social Studies7th-8thUnit 8: U.S. Political and Economic RegionsLesson 2: US States Songs2

For this lesson, students can practice two different songs (whichever one they like best) to learn the 50 states.

Social Studies2nd-3rdUnit 6: CitizenshipLesson 2: Good Citizenship2

For this lesson, students will read different scenarios and decide if that's good or bad citizenship.

Life SkillsHealth and BodyLesson 2: What Causes Headaches2

This lesson discusses what causes headaches.

Life SkillsOther SkillsLesson 2: 10 in Bed2

This lesson is a fun story/song to show students how to count down from 10.

Life Skills3rd-4thHealth and BodyLesson 2: Why Do We Need Mucus2

During this lesson, students will learn the benefits of our bodies having mucus.

Life Skills3rd-4thRelationships and CharacterLesson 2: Identifying Anger2

During this lesson, students will learn how to identify anger.

SubjectGrade LevelUnitLesson TitleLesson NumberLesson Description